
From Deep Sea Knowledge
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Name Default value/type Description Notes
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
DamageParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Damage­Param Contains info about the damage of the main shot.
­Reduce­End­Frame 0 Frame in which minimum damage is reached.
­Reduce­Start­Frame 0 Frame in which damage falloff starts.
­Value­Max 0 Shot damage before damage falloff.
­Value­Min 0 Shot damage after damage falloff ends.
MainEffectiveRangeUpParam spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Effective­Range­Up Unknown
­High 1.5 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
MainWeaponSetting spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Weapon­Setting Controls parameters related to gear abilities which may have different effects depending on the weapon. Values set to -1 simply use the default rate for the ability.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­High -1.0 Ink saver main rate at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Low -1.0 Ink saver main rate with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­High -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Low -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Weapon­Acc­Type 1 Determines the weapon's stealth acceleration. Set to "High" on sploosh, "Mid" on everything else.
­Weapon­Speed­Type 1 Determines the weight class of the weapon.
MoveParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Controls parameters relating to shot movement. Shots have 3 movement stages: Straight, Brake, and Free.
­Brake­Air­Resist 0.36 Speed reduction per frame during brake state. Applies in all directions, applies before gravity.
­Brake­Gravity 0.07 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame. Applies after air resistance.
­Brake­To­Free­State­Frame 4 Unknown Appears to be unused. Implies that it forces shots to enter free state after a certain number of frames.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­X­Z 0.2355 Unknown Also appears unused. It is unclear whether intended behavior requires both XZ and Y velocity to be below a certain threshold, or if just one needs to be.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­Y -0.15 When a shot's Y velocity falls below this number, it enters free state. Some weapons set this value exceptionally high to effectively skip brake state.
­Free­Air­Resist 0.02 Speed reduction per frame during free state. Brake and Free state function identically but with different parameters.
­Free­Gravity 0.016 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame.
­Go­Straight­State­End­Max­Speed 10.0 After straight state ends, if the velocity is above this number, it is set equal to it. This change occurs before air resistance and gravity is applied.
­Go­Straight­To­Brake­State­Frame 10 Number of frames the shot flies in straight state, where it has no gravity or air resistance.
­Spawn­Speed 2.0 Initial velocity of the shot.
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Paint­Param Params for how much a bullet paints upon hitting the ground. Does not control splash. Controlled by 2 systems, DepthScale and WidthHalf. These systems scale between certain values at certain distances/angles.
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Max 10.0 When a shot lands with this degree when hitting the ground, it uses DepthScaleMax to control how stretched out the paint is (in the direction away from which it was fired). Shots landing between this and the min are scaled between the two values.
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Min 35.0 When a shot lands with this degree when hitting the ground, it uses DepthScaleMin to control how stretched out the paint is (in the direction away from which it was fired). Shots landing between this and the max are scaled between the two values.
­Depth­Scale­Max 2.4 Arbitrary coefficient controlling how stretched the shot is when the shot lands with a degree of DegreeUseDepthScaleMax. Higher values mean the weapon will have more painting range, and generally paint more.
­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 2.4 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.4 Arbitrary coefficient controlling how stretched the shot is when the shot lands with a degree of DegreeUseDepthScaleMin. Higher values mean the weapon will have more painting range, and generally paint more.
­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 1.2 Unknown
­Distance­Far 20.0 Distance in which WidthHalfFar is used to control size of paint drops. Any shots that land past this distance will use WidthHalfFar. Shots that land between this and DistanceMiddle have their size scaled between the 2 values, depending on how close to each the shot was.
­Distance­Middle 20.0 Distance in which WidthHalfMiddle is used to control size of paint drops. Any shots that land short of this distance will scale between this and WidthHalfNear. Anything further scales between this and WidthHalfFar.
­Distance­Near 1.1 Distance in which WidthHalfNear is used to control size of paint drops. Any shots that land short of this distance will use WidthHalfNear. Shots that land between this and DistanceMiddle have their size scaled between the 2 values, depending on how close to each the shot was.
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 1.5 Unknown
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 10.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Far 1.8 Width of paint created when a shot lands at DistanceFar.
­Width­Half­Middle 1.8 Width of paint created when a shot lands at DistanceMiddle.
­Width­Half­Near 1.92 Width of paint created when a shot lands at DistanceNear.
SplashPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Paint­Param Params for additional droplets that spawn from the bullet that cause ink splatter on the floor.
­Depth­Max­Drop­Height 3.0 Unknown
­Depth­Min­Drop­Height 10.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max 1.2 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Nearest 1.2 Unknown
SplashSpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Spawn­Param Params for the spawning of the above droplets.
­Force­Spawn­Nearest­Add­Num­Array array Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­X­Max 0.055 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Y­Max 0.015 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Max 0.02 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Min 0.01 Unknown
­Spawn­Between­Length 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Nearest­Length 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Num 0.0 Unknown
­Split­Num 1 The interval at which ink droplets spawn, relative to possible spawn points. {{citation needed}}
VariableCollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Determines the collision properties of the alternate firing mode of the weapon. Same params as CollisionParam. The alternate firing modes are squeezer's short range mode and ballpoint's long range mode.
VariableDamageParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Damage­Param Determines the damage properties of the alternate firing mode of the weapon. Same params as DamageParam. The alternate firing modes are squeezer's short range mode and ballpoint's long range mode.
VariableMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Determines the bullet movement properties of the alternate firing mode of the weapon. Same params as MoveParam. The alternate firing modes are squeezer's short range mode and ballpoint's long range mode.
VariablePaintParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Paint­Param Determines the painting properties of the alternate firing mode of the weapon. Same params as PaintParam. The alternate firing modes are squeezer's short range mode and ballpoint's long range mode.
VariableSplashPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Paint­Param Determines the splash painting properties of the alternate firing mode of the weapon. Same params as SplashPaintParam. The alternate firing modes are squeezer's short range mode and ballpoint's long range mode.
VariableSplashSpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Spawn­Param Determines the splash spawning properties of the alternate firing mode of the weapon. Same params as SplashSpawnParam. The alternate firing modes are squeezer's short range mode and ballpoint's long range mode.
VariableWeaponParam spl__­Weapon­Shooter­Param Determines the general weapon properties of the alternate firing mode of the weapon. Same params as WeaponParam. The alternate firing modes are squeezer's short range mode and ballpoint's long range mode.
WallDropCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
WallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type value_0_008 Unknown
WeaponParam spl__­Weapon­Shooter­Param Determines the general weapon properties of the weapon.
­Burst­Aim­Move­Frame 0 Unknown
­Ink­Consume 0.009 The amount of ink, as a fraction of a full tank, consumed per shot.
­Ink­Recover­Stop 20 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Bias­Decrease­Start­Frame 0 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Bias­End­Frame 45 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Bias­Max 0.0 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Swerve 0.0 Unknown
­Move­Speed 0.0 The walking movement speed while firing the weapon.
­Post­Delay­Frame 4 Unknown
­Post­Delay­Frame_­Blaster 23 Unknown
­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Human­Shot 0 Unknown
­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Squid­Shot 4 Unknown
­Repeat­Frame 6 After firing a shot, the number frame on which another shot can be fired.
­Shot­Guide­Frame 8 The number frame along the bullet's trajectory at which the reticle is displayed.
­Squid­Shot­Shortening­Frame 0 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Decrease 0.01 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Kf 0.02 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Max 0.25 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Min 0.1 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Swerve 0.0 Unknown
­Triple­Shot­Span­Frame 0 Unknown
­Variable­Shot­Repeat­Start­Frame 0 Unknown
spl__PlayerGearSkillParam_ActionSpecUp_ReduceJumpSwerveRate spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Action­Spec­Up_­Reduce­Jump­Swerve­Rate Params that control how much jumping shot spread is reduced by Intensify Action.
­High 1.0 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
spl__SpawnBulletAdditionMovePlayerParam spl__­Spawn­Bullet­Addition­Move­Player­Param Unknown
­Guide­Y­Minus­Zero False Unknown
­X­Rate 0.4 Unknown
­Y­Max 100.0 Unknown
­Y­Minus­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Y­Plus­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Z­Rate 2.0 Unknown


Name Default value/type Description Notes
BlastJumpParam spl__­Bullet­Blast­Param Used for blast params while jumping (for S-Blast) Identical to BlastParam
BlastParam spl__­Bullet­Blast­Param Explosion parameters.
­Collision­Radius­For­Paint 0.0 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Check­Length 2.0 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Radius 2.0 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Texture Bomb00 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Use­Chage­Area False Unknown
­Damage­Attacker­Priority False Determines whether damage is dealt based on contact on the user's screen (true) or the target's screen (false). Usually set to true on main weapons and false on subs/specials. Notably, parrying the explosion is much more consistent when this value is set to false.
­Damage­Linear False For explosions with multiple possible damage values (multiple entries in DistanceDamage), determines if damage dealt is interpolated linearly for targets inside of one damage radius but outside of another. If false, the damage dealt will be exactly the damage value of the nearest radius that the target is within. Most explosions have this set to false, although all blasters with multiple damage radii have it set to true.
­Damage­Offset­Y 0.0 Unknown
DistanceDamage Array of values determining how much damage is dealt based on distance from the center of the explosion.
­Damage int Damage dealt at the specified distance.
­Distance float Distance within which the damage is dealt.
KnockBackParam spl__­Bullet­Knock­Back­Param Unknown
­Accel 200.0 Unknown
­Bias 0.5 Unknown
­Direction­Zero­Accel­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Distance 2.0 Unknown
­Paint­Height 4.0 Unknown
­Paint­Offset­Y 0.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius 4.0 Unknown
­Paint­Texture Bomb00 Unknown
­Plane­Damage array Unknown
­Reaction­Vel 100.0 Unknown
SplashAroundParam spl__­Bullet­Spawn­Splash­Around­Param Unknown
­Num 0 Unknown
­Offset­Y 0.5 Unknown
­Paint­Radius 1.0 Unknown
­Pitch­Max 30.0 Unknown
­Pitch­Min 5.0 Unknown
­Velocity­Max 0.54 Unknown
­Velocity­Min 0.48 Unknown
­Sub­Special­Spec­Up­List array Unknown
BlasterBurstJumpParam spl__­Bullet­Blaster­Burst­Param The same as BlasterBurstParam, but for the jumping firing mode.
BlasterBurstParam spl__­Bullet­Blaster­Burst­Param Unknown
­Burst­Frame 13 The number frame on which the shot explodes.
­Move­Length 2.2 Unknown
­No­Occur­Round­Y­Over90­Round­X­Minus False Unknown
­No­Occur­Round­Y­Over90­Round­X­Plus False Unknown
­Shot­Collision­Hit­Damage­Rate 0.5 Unknown
­Shot­Collision­Hit­Radius­Rate 0.5 Unknown
­Splash­Drop­Collision­Radius 0.4 Unknown
­Splash­Drop­Draw­Radius 0.6 Unknown
­Splash­Drop­Init­Speed 0.0 Unknown
­Splash­Drop­On True Unknown
­Splash­Drop­Paint­Radius 3.2 Unknown
­Splash­Drop­Paint­Shot­Col­Hit­Radius 2.0 Unknown
­Splash­Paint­Radius 2.0 Unknown
­Splash­Paint­Shot­Col­Hit­Radius 1.4 Unknown
­Splash­Round­Axis­X­Array array Unknown
­Splash­Round­Axis­Y­Array array Unknown
SplashWallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type value_0_008 Unknown
SplashWallDropPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
­Wall­Hit­Paint­Radius 2.2 Unknown
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
DamageJumpParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Damage­Param Contains info about the damage of the main shot.
DamageParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Damage­Param Contains info about the damage of the main shot.
­Reduce­End­Frame 0 Frame in which minimum damage is reached.
­Reduce­Start­Frame 0 Frame in which damage falloff starts.
­Value­Max 0 Shot damage before damage falloff.
­Value­Min 0 Shot damage after damage falloff ends.
MainEffectiveRangeUpParam spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Effective­Range­Up Unknown
­High 1.5 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
MainWeaponSetting spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Weapon­Setting Controls parameters related to gear abilities which may have different effects depending on the weapon. Values set to -1 simply use the default rate for the ability.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­High -1.0 Ink saver main rate at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Low -1.0 Ink saver main rate with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­High -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Low -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Weapon­Acc­Type 1 Determines the weapon's stealth acceleration. Set to "High" on sploosh, "Mid" on everything else.
­Weapon­Speed­Type 1 Determines the weight class of the weapon.
MoveJumpParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param The same as MoveParam, but for the jumping f mode.
MoveParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Controls parameters relating to shot movement. Shots have 3 movement stages: Straight, Brake, and Free.
­Brake­Air­Resist 0.36 Speed reduction per frame during brake state. Applies in all directions, applies before gravity.
­Brake­Gravity 0.07 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame. Applies after air resistance.
­Brake­To­Free­State­Frame 4 Unknown Appears to be unused. Implies that it forces shots to enter free state after a certain number of frames.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­X­Z 0.2355 Unknown Also appears unused. It is unclear whether intended behavior requires both XZ and Y velocity to be below a certain threshold, or if just one needs to be.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­Y -0.15 When a shot's Y velocity falls below this number, it enters free state. Some weapons set this value exceptionally high to effectively skip brake state.
­Free­Air­Resist 0.02 Speed reduction per frame during free state. Brake and Free state function identically but with different parameters.
­Free­Gravity 0.016 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame.
­Go­Straight­State­End­Max­Speed 10.0 After straight state ends, if the velocity is above this number, it is set equal to it. This change occurs before air resistance and gravity is applied.
­Go­Straight­To­Brake­State­Frame 10 Number of frames the shot flies in straight state, where it has no gravity or air resistance.
­Spawn­Speed 2.0 Initial velocity of the shot.
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Paint­Param Params for how much a bullet paints upon hitting the ground. Does not control splash. Controlled by 2 systems, DepthScale and WidthHalf. These systems scale between certain values at certain distances/angles.
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Max 10.0 When a shot lands with this degree when hitting the ground, it uses DepthScaleMax to control how stretched out the paint is (in the direction away from which it was fired). Shots landing between this and the min are scaled between the two values.
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Min 35.0 When a shot lands with this degree when hitting the ground, it uses DepthScaleMin to control how stretched out the paint is (in the direction away from which it was fired). Shots landing between this and the max are scaled between the two values.
­Depth­Scale­Max 2.4 Arbitrary coefficient controlling how stretched the shot is when the shot lands with a degree of DegreeUseDepthScaleMax. Higher values mean the weapon will have more painting range, and generally paint more.
­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 2.4 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.4 Arbitrary coefficient controlling how stretched the shot is when the shot lands with a degree of DegreeUseDepthScaleMin. Higher values mean the weapon will have more painting range, and generally paint more.
­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 1.2 Unknown
­Distance­Far 20.0 Distance in which WidthHalfFar is used to control size of paint drops. Any shots that land past this distance will use WidthHalfFar. Shots that land between this and DistanceMiddle have their size scaled between the 2 values, depending on how close to each the shot was.
­Distance­Middle 20.0 Distance in which WidthHalfMiddle is used to control size of paint drops. Any shots that land short of this distance will scale between this and WidthHalfNear. Anything further scales between this and WidthHalfFar.
­Distance­Near 1.1 Distance in which WidthHalfNear is used to control size of paint drops. Any shots that land short of this distance will use WidthHalfNear. Shots that land between this and DistanceMiddle have their size scaled between the 2 values, depending on how close to each the shot was.
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 1.5 Unknown
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 10.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Far 1.8 Width of paint created when a shot lands at DistanceFar.
­Width­Half­Middle 1.8 Width of paint created when a shot lands at DistanceMiddle.
­Width­Half­Near 1.92 Width of paint created when a shot lands at DistanceNear.
SplashPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth­Max­Drop­Height 3.0 Unknown
­Depth­Min­Drop­Height 10.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max 1.2 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Nearest 1.2 Unknown
SplashSpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Spawn­Param Unknown
­Force­Spawn­Nearest­Add­Num­Array array Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­X­Max 0.055 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Y­Max 0.015 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Max 0.02 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Min 0.01 Unknown
­Spawn­Between­Length 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Nearest­Length 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Num 0.0 Unknown
­Split­Num 1 Unknown
SplashWallHitParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Wall­Hit­Param Unknown
SpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Wall­Hit­Spawn­Param Unknown
­Between­Distance 1.25 Unknown
­Distance­X­Z­Rate 1.33333 Unknown
­First­Distance 1.25 Unknown
­Velocity­Minus­Y­Rate 0.45 Unknown
WallDropCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
WallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type value_0_008 Unknown
WallDropCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
WallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type value_0_008 Unknown
WeaponParam spl__­Weapon­Shooter­Param Unknown
­Burst­Aim­Move­Frame 0 Unknown
­Ink­Consume 0.009 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 20 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Bias­Decrease­Start­Frame 0 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Bias­End­Frame 45 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Bias­Max 0.0 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Swerve 0.0 Unknown
­Move­Speed 0.0 Unknown
­Post­Delay­Frame 4 Unknown
­Post­Delay­Frame_­Blaster 23 Unknown
­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Human­Shot 0 Unknown
­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Squid­Shot 4 Unknown
­Repeat­Frame 6 Unknown
­Shot­Guide­Frame 8 Unknown
­Squid­Shot­Shortening­Frame 0 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Decrease 0.01 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Kf 0.02 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Max 0.25 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Min 0.1 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Swerve 0.0 Unknown
­Triple­Shot­Span­Frame 0 Unknown
­Variable­Shot­Repeat­Start­Frame 0 Unknown
spl__PlayerGearSkillParam_ActionSpecUp_ReduceJumpSwerveRate spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Action­Spec­Up_­Reduce­Jump­Swerve­Rate Unknown
­High 1.0 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
spl__PlayerGearSkillParam_MainEffectiveRangeUp spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Effective­Range­Up Unknown
­High 1.5 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
spl__SpawnBulletAdditionMovePlayerParam spl__­Spawn­Bullet­Addition­Move­Player­Param Unknown
­Guide­Y­Minus­Zero False Unknown
­X­Rate 0.4 Unknown
­Y­Max 100.0 Unknown
­Y­Minus­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Y­Plus­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Z­Rate 2.0 Unknown


Name Default value/type Description Notes
BodyParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Param Params that control the behavior of the hitbox of the roller as it rolls.
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Collision­Param Unknown
­Down­Ray­Cast­Length 0.45 Unknown
­Knock­Back­Defeat False Unknown
KnockBackOpponent spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Knock­Back­Param Unknown
­Accel­Max 1000.0 Unknown
­Accel­Min 0.0 Unknown
­My­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
­Opponent­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
KnockBackRollerPlayerDamageOff spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Knock­Back­Param Unknown
­Accel­Max 1000.0 Unknown
­Accel­Min 0.0 Unknown
­My­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
­Opponent­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
KnockBackRollerPlayerDamageOn spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Knock­Back­Param Unknown
­Accel­Max 1000.0 Unknown
­Accel­Min 0.0 Unknown
­My­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
­Opponent­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
­Paint­Only­Local­Offset­Y -0.2 Unknown
­Radius 0.4 Unknown
­Width­Half 2.0 Unknown
­Damage 1000 Unknown
­Damage­Span­Second 0.4 Unknown
­Paint­Multi­Span­Frame 4 Unknown
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth 1.5 Unknown
­Paint­Side­Bias 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Wall­Add­Width­Half 0.25 Unknown
­Speed­Max 2.0 Unknown
­Speed­Min 0.0 Unknown
­Wall­And­Roller­Side­Degree 12.0 Unknown
­Width­Add­Wall­Cut 0.4 Unknown
­Width­Half­Max 1.3 Unknown
­Width­Half­Min 1.3 Unknown
­Paint­Single­Span­Frame 2 Unknown
SideParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Side­Param Unknown
­Check­Length 1.0 Unknown
­Radius 0.75 Unknown
BulletAdditionMovePlayerSplashNearestParam spl__­Spawn­Bullet­Addition­Move­Player­Param Unknown
­Guide­Y­Minus­Zero False Unknown
­X­Rate 0.4 Unknown
­Y­Max 100.0 Unknown
­Y­Minus­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Y­Plus­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Z­Rate 2.0 Unknown
KnockBackByCanopyParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Knock­Back­By­Canopy­Param Unknown
KnockBackRollerPlayerDamageOff spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Knock­Back­Param Unknown
­Accel­Max 1000.0 Unknown
­Accel­Min 0.0 Unknown
­My­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
­Opponent­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
KnockBackRollerPlayerDamageOn spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Knock­Back­Param Unknown
­Accel­Max 1000.0 Unknown
­Accel­Min 0.0 Unknown
­My­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
­Opponent­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
KnockBackBySpecificEnemyParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Knock­Back­By­Specific­Enemy­Param Unknown
­Opponent­Sakelien­Geyser 300.0 Unknown
­Opponent­Sakelien­Snake 300.0 Unknown
MainEffectiveRangeUpParam spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Effective­Range­Up Unknown
­High 1.5 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
MainWeaponSetting spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Weapon­Setting Controls parameters related to gear abilities which may have different effects depending on the weapon. Values set to -1 simply use the default rate for the ability.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­High -1.0 Ink saver main rate at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Low -1.0 Ink saver main rate with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­High -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Low -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Weapon­Acc­Type 1 Determines the weapon's stealth acceleration. Set to "High" on sploosh, "Mid" on everything else.
­Weapon­Speed­Type 1 Determines the weight class of the weapon.
VerticalSwingUnitGroupParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Vertical­Swing­Unit­Group­Param Params of the bullets produced by the vertical swing of the roller.
DamageParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Damage­Param Unknown
­Damage­Reject­End­Frame 40 Unknown
­Damage­Reject­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Damage­Reject­Start­Frame 20 Unknown
Inside spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Inside­Damage­Param Unknown
­Damage­High­Distance 6.0 Unknown
­Damage­High­Value 800 Unknown
­Damage­Low­Distance 7.0 Unknown
­Damage­Low­Value 700 Unknown
­Damage­Max­Distance 5.0 Unknown
­Damage­Max­Value 1200 Unknown
­Damage­Min­Distance 10.0 Unknown
­Damage­Min­Value 400 Unknown
­Degree 15.0 Unknown
­Depletion­Damage­Rate 0.5 Unknown
­Final­Damage­Min­Value 200 Unknown
­Inside­Distance­X­Z 0.0 Unknown
Outside spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Outside­Damage­Param Unknown
­Damage­High­Distance 6.0 Unknown
­Damage­High­Value 600 Unknown
­Damage­Low­Distance 7.0 Unknown
­Damage­Low­Value 500 Unknown
­Damage­Max­Distance 5.0 Unknown
­Damage­Max­Value 800 Unknown
­Damage­Min­Distance 10.0 Unknown
­Damage­Min­Value 200 Unknown
­Damage­Rate 0.5 Unknown
­Degree 30.0 Unknown
­Depletion­Damage­Rate 0.5 Unknown
­Final­Damage­Min­Value 200 Unknown
­Spawn­Splash­Between­Length 3.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Splash­First­Length 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Splash­Num 0 Unknown
SplashNearestParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Roller­Nearest­Param Unknown
­Camera­Rate -0.6 Unknown
SpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Roller­Brush­Nearest­Param Unknown
­Max­Height 1000.0 Unknown
Offset Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
­Paint­Depth­Scale 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Width­Half 0.0 Unknown
­Visible False Unknown
SplashPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Roller­Ink­Paint­Paramspl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth­Max­Drop­Height 3.0 Unknown
­Depth­Min­Drop­Height 10.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max 1.2 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Nearest 1.2 Unknown
Unit spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Vertical­Swing­Unit­Param Unknown
­After­Offset­Spawn­Rotate­X­Degree 0.0 Unknown
­After­Offset­Spawn­Speed 0.0 Unknown
­Bullet­Num 1 Unknown
­Depletion­Bullet­Num 0 Unknown
­Depletion­Speed­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Four­Petals­Center­Radius­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Four­Petals­Petal­Radius­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Paint­Only False Unknown
­Spawn­Position­Height 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Position­Offset­Height 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Position­Random­Cube 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Rotate­X­Degree­Base 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Rotate­Y­Degree 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Base 1.75 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Random 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Splash True Unknown
­Spawn­Wide­Degree 0.0 Unknown
UnitParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Unit­Param Unknown
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Collision­Paramspl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­Depletion­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
DrawSizeParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Draw­Size­Param Unknown
­Change­Frame 0 Unknown
­End­Radius 0.5 Unknown
­Init­Radius 0.5 Unknown
MoveParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Controls parameters relating to shot movement. Shots have 3 movement stages: Straight, Brake, and Free.
­Brake­Air­Resist 0.36 Speed reduction per frame during brake state. Applies in all directions, applies before gravity.
­Brake­Gravity 0.07 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame. Applies after air resistance.
­Brake­To­Free­State­Frame 4 Unknown Appears to be unused. Implies that it forces shots to enter free state after a certain number of frames.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­X­Z 0.2355 Unknown Also appears unused. It is unclear whether intended behavior requires both XZ and Y velocity to be below a certain threshold, or if just one needs to be.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­Y -0.15 When a shot's Y velocity falls below this number, it enters free state. Some weapons set this value exceptionally high to effectively skip brake state.
­Free­Air­Resist 0.02 Speed reduction per frame during free state. Brake and Free state function identically but with different parameters.
­Free­Gravity 0.016 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame.
­Go­Straight­State­End­Max­Speed 10.0 After straight state ends, if the velocity is above this number, it is set equal to it. This change occurs before air resistance and gravity is applied.
­Go­Straight­To­Brake­State­Frame 10 Number of frames the shot flies in straight state, where it has no gravity or air resistance.
­Spawn­Speed 2.0 Initial velocity of the shot.
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Paint­Param Unknown
­Change­Frame­Width­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Change­Width­End­Frame 0 Unknown
­Change­Width­Start­Frame 0 Unknown
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Max 10.0 Unknown
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Min 45.0 Unknown
­Depletion­Depth­Width­Rate 0.8 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 1.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max­Straight 1.2 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 1.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min­Straight 1.0 Unknown
­Distance­Far 10.0 Unknown
­Distance­Near 1.0 Unknown
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 2.0 Unknown
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Far 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Near 1.0 Unknown
WallDropCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
WallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type 0 Unknown
WeaponRollParam spl__­Weapon­Roller­Roll­Param Parameters relating to the weapon behavior of the roller as it rolls.
­Dash­Frame 60 The number of frames required to accelerate to the SpeedDash.
­Ink­Consume­Max­Per­Frame 0.001 The maximum amount of ink consumed every frame while rolling.
­Ink­Consume­Min­Per­Frame 0.001 The minimum amount of ink consumed every frame while rolling.
­Ink­Recover­Stop 20 Unknown
­Speed­Dash 0.1 Unknown
­Speed­Dash­Turn­Break 0.1 Unknown
­Speed­Ink­Consume­Max 0.1 Unknown
­Speed­Ink­Consume­Min 0.1 Unknown
­Speed­Normal 0.1 Unknown
WeaponVerticalSwingParam spl__­Weapon­Roller­Swing­Param Unknown
GuideParam spl__­Weapon­Roller­Shot­Guide­Param Unknown
­Frame 8 Unknown
­Unit­Order­Num 0 Unknown
­Width­Scale 1.0 Unknown
­Ink­Consume 0.05 Unknown
­Ink­Consume­Rate­Depletion 0.5 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 50 Unknown
­Sub­Weapon­Squid­Delay­Frm 10 Unknown
­Swing­Frame 30 Unknown
­Swing­Move­Speed 0.024 Unknown
WeaponWideSwingParam spl__­Weapon­Roller­Swing­Param Unknown
WideSwingUnitGroupParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Wide­Swing­Unit­Group­Param Params of the bullets produced by the horizontal swing of the roller.
spl__SpawnBulletAdditionMovePlayerParam spl__­Spawn­Bullet­Addition­Move­Player­Param Unknown
­Guide­Y­Minus­Zero False Unknown
­X­Rate 0.4 Unknown
­Y­Max 100.0 Unknown
­Y­Minus­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Y­Plus­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Z­Rate 2.0 Unknown


Name Default value/type Description Notes
BodyParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Param Unknown
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Collision­Param Unknown
­Down­Ray­Cast­Length 0.45 Unknown
­Knock­Back­Defeat False Unknown
KnockBackOpponent spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Knock­Back­Param Unknown
­Accel­Max 1000.0 Unknown
­Accel­Min 0.0 Unknown
­My­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
­Opponent­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
KnockBackRollerPlayerDamageOff spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Knock­Back­Param Unknown
­Accel­Max 1000.0 Unknown
­Accel­Min 0.0 Unknown
­My­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
­Opponent­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
KnockBackRollerPlayerDamageOn spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Knock­Back­Param Unknown
­Accel­Max 1000.0 Unknown
­Accel­Min 0.0 Unknown
­My­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
­Opponent­Velocity­Rate 1000.0 Unknown
­Paint­Only­Local­Offset­Y -0.2 Unknown
­Radius 0.4 Unknown
­Width­Half 2.0 Unknown
­Damage 1000 Unknown
­Damage­Span­Second 0.4 Unknown
­Paint­Multi­Span­Frame 4 Unknown
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth 1.5 Unknown
­Paint­Side­Bias 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Wall­Add­Width­Half 0.25 Unknown
­Speed­Max 2.0 Unknown
­Speed­Min 0.0 Unknown
­Wall­And­Roller­Side­Degree 12.0 Unknown
­Width­Add­Wall­Cut 0.4 Unknown
­Width­Half­Max 1.3 Unknown
­Width­Half­Min 1.3 Unknown
­Paint­Single­Span­Frame 2 Unknown
SideParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Side­Param Unknown
­Check­Length 1.0 Unknown
­Radius 0.75 Unknown
BulletAdditionMovePlayerSplashNearestParam spl__­Spawn­Bullet­Addition­Move­Player­Param Unknown
­Guide­Y­Minus­Zero False Unknown
­X­Rate 0.4 Unknown
­Y­Max 100.0 Unknown
­Y­Minus­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Y­Plus­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Z­Rate 2.0 Unknown
KnockBackBySpecificEnemyParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Body­Knock­Back­By­Specific­Enemy­Param Unknown
­Opponent­Sakelien­Geyser 300.0 Unknown
­Opponent­Sakelien­Snake 300.0 Unknown
MainEffectiveRangeUpParam spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Effective­Range­Up_­Slosher­And­Brush Unknown
­Base­Distance 10.0 Unknown
­High 1.5 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
MainWeaponSetting spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Weapon­Setting Controls parameters related to gear abilities which may have different effects depending on the weapon. Values set to -1 simply use the default rate for the ability.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­High -1.0 Ink saver main rate at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Low -1.0 Ink saver main rate with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­High -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Low -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Weapon­Acc­Type 1 Determines the weapon's stealth acceleration. Set to "High" on sploosh, "Mid" on everything else.
­Weapon­Speed­Type 1 Determines the weight class of the weapon.
SwingUnitGroupParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Brush­Ink­Unit­Group­Param Unknown
DamageParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Damage­Param Unknown
­Damage­Reject­End­Frame 40 Unknown
­Damage­Reject­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Damage­Reject­Start­Frame 20 Unknown
Inside spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Inside­Damage­Param Unknown
­Damage­High­Distance 6.0 Unknown
­Damage­High­Value 800 Unknown
­Damage­Low­Distance 7.0 Unknown
­Damage­Low­Value 700 Unknown
­Damage­Max­Distance 5.0 Unknown
­Damage­Max­Value 1200 Unknown
­Damage­Min­Distance 10.0 Unknown
­Damage­Min­Value 400 Unknown
­Degree 15.0 Unknown
­Depletion­Damage­Rate 0.5 Unknown
­Final­Damage­Min­Value 200 Unknown
­Inside­Distance­X­Z 0.0 Unknown
Outside spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Outside­Damage­Param Unknown
­Damage­High­Distance 6.0 Unknown
­Damage­High­Value 600 Unknown
­Damage­Low­Distance 7.0 Unknown
­Damage­Low­Value 500 Unknown
­Damage­Max­Distance 5.0 Unknown
­Damage­Max­Value 800 Unknown
­Damage­Min­Distance 10.0 Unknown
­Damage­Min­Value 200 Unknown
­Damage­Rate 0.5 Unknown
­Degree 30.0 Unknown
­Depletion­Damage­Rate 0.5 Unknown
­Final­Damage­Min­Value 200 Unknown
­Push­Out­Check­Field­Collision­Frame 1 Unknown
SplashNearestParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Brush­Nearest­Param Unknown
­Loop­Num 1 Unknown
­Order­Num 1 Unknown
­Reset­Frame 40 Unknown
SpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Roller­Brush­Nearest­Param Unknown
­Max­Height 1000.0 Unknown
Offset Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
­Paint­Depth­Scale 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Width­Half 0.0 Unknown
­Visible False Unknown
Unit spl__­Bullet­Roller­Brush­Ink­Unit­Paramspl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Wide­Swing­Unit­Param Unknown
­Add­Spawn­Speed­Y­Rate­By­Speed 0.0 Unknown
­Bullet­Num 1 Unknown
­Depletion­Bullet­Num 0 Unknown
­Depletion­Speed­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Position­Offset­Height 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Position­Random­Cube 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Position­Width 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Rotate­Y­Degree­Left­To­Right -5.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Rotate­Y­Degree­Right­To­Left 5.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Base 1.75 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Random 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Wide­Degree 0.0 Unknown
­Swerve­Rate­By­Speed 0.0 Unknown
­Unit­Damage­Rate 1.0 Unknown
UnitParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Unit­Param Unknown
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Collision­Paramspl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­Depletion­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
DrawSizeParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Draw­Size­Param Unknown
­Change­Frame 0 Unknown
­End­Radius 0.5 Unknown
­Init­Radius 0.5 Unknown
MoveParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Controls parameters relating to shot movement. Shots have 3 movement stages: Straight, Brake, and Free.
­Brake­Air­Resist 0.36 Speed reduction per frame during brake state. Applies in all directions, applies before gravity.
­Brake­Gravity 0.07 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame. Applies after air resistance.
­Brake­To­Free­State­Frame 4 Unknown Appears to be unused. Implies that it forces shots to enter free state after a certain number of frames.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­X­Z 0.2355 Unknown Also appears unused. It is unclear whether intended behavior requires both XZ and Y velocity to be below a certain threshold, or if just one needs to be.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­Y -0.15 When a shot's Y velocity falls below this number, it enters free state. Some weapons set this value exceptionally high to effectively skip brake state.
­Free­Air­Resist 0.02 Speed reduction per frame during free state. Brake and Free state function identically but with different parameters.
­Free­Gravity 0.016 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame.
­Go­Straight­State­End­Max­Speed 10.0 After straight state ends, if the velocity is above this number, it is set equal to it. This change occurs before air resistance and gravity is applied.
­Go­Straight­To­Brake­State­Frame 10 Number of frames the shot flies in straight state, where it has no gravity or air resistance.
­Spawn­Speed 2.0 Initial velocity of the shot.
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Roller­Ink­Paint­Param Unknown
­Change­Frame­Width­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Change­Width­End­Frame 0 Unknown
­Change­Width­Start­Frame 0 Unknown
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Max 10.0 Unknown
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Min 45.0 Unknown
­Depletion­Depth­Width­Rate 0.8 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 1.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max­Straight 1.2 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 1.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min­Straight 1.0 Unknown
­Distance­Far 10.0 Unknown
­Distance­Near 1.0 Unknown
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 2.0 Unknown
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Far 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Near 1.0 Unknown
WallDropCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
WallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type value_0_008 Unknown
WeaponRollParam spl__­Weapon­Brush­Roll­Param Unknown
­Ink­Consume­Max­Per­Frame 0.0018 Unknown
­Ink­Consume­Min­Per­Frame 0.0018 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 20 Unknown
­No­Op­Ink­Effect False Unknown
­Speed­Ink­Consume­Max 0.168 Unknown
­Speed­Ink­Consume­Min 0.168 Unknown
­Speed­Normal 0.168 Unknown
­Swing­Repeat­Frame 10 Unknown
­To­Paint­Frame 9.5 Unknown
WeaponSwingParam spl__­Weapon­Roller­Swing­Param Unknown
GuideParam spl__­Weapon­Roller­Shot­Guide­Param Unknown
­Frame 8 Unknown
­Unit­Order­Num 0 Unknown
­Width­Scale 1.0 Unknown
­Ink­Consume 0.05 Unknown
­Ink­Consume­Rate­Depletion 0.5 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 50 Unknown
­Sub­Weapon­Squid­Delay­Frm 10 Unknown
­Swing­Frame 30 Unknown
­Swing­Move­Speed 0.024 Unknown
spl__SpawnBulletAdditionMovePlayerParam spl__­Spawn­Bullet­Addition­Move­Player­Param Unknown
­Guide­Y­Minus­Zero False Unknown
­X­Rate 0.4 Unknown
­Y­Max 100.0 Unknown
­Y­Minus­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Y­Plus­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Z­Rate 2.0 Unknown


Name Default value/type Description Notes
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
DamageParam spl__­Bullet­Charger­Damage­Param Contains info about the damage of the shot. Damage interpolates between ValueMinCharge and ValueMidCharge but jumps to ValueFullCharge when fully charged.
­Value­Full­Charge 300 The damage of the fully charged shot.
­Value­Max­Charge 300 The maximum damage while charging.
­Value­Mid­Charge -1 Unknown
­Value­Min­Charge 300 The minimum damage while charging.
MainEffectiveRangeUpParam spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Effective­Range­Up Unknown
­High 1.5 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
MainWeaponSetting spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Weapon­Setting Controls parameters related to gear abilities which may have different effects depending on the weapon. Values set to -1 simply use the default rate for the ability.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­High -1.0 Ink saver main rate at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Low -1.0 Ink saver main rate with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­High -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Low -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Weapon­Acc­Type 1 Determines the weapon's stealth acceleration. Set to "High" on sploosh, "Mid" on everything else.
­Weapon­Speed­Type 1 Determines the weight class of the weapon.
MoveParam spl__­Bullet­Charger­Move­Param Controls parameters relating to shot movement. Shots have 3 movement stages: Straight, Brake, and Free.
­Distance­Full­Charge 70.0 Unknown
­Distance­Max­Charge 70.0 Unknown
­Distance­Min­Charge 70.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Full­Charge 10.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Max­Charge 10.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Min­Charge 10.0 Unknown
­Through­Full­Charge True Unknown
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Charger­Paint­Param Unknown
­Radius­Full­Charge 1.0 Unknown
­Radius­Max­Charge 1.0 Unknown
­Radius­Min­Charge 0.5 Unknown
SplashPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Charger­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth­Half­Full­Charge 1.25 Unknown
­Depth­Half­Max­Charge 1.25 Unknown
­Depth­Half­Min­Charge 1.0 Unknown
­Last­Splash­Rate­Full­Charge 1.5 Unknown
­Last­Splash­Rate­Max­Charge 1.5 Unknown
­Last­Splash­Rate­Min­Charge 1.5 Unknown
­Radius­Spawn­Nearest 0.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Full­Charge 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Max­Charge 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Min­Charge 0.5 Unknown
SplashSpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Charger­Spawn­Param Unknown
­On­Top­Rate­Full­Charge 0.0 Unknown
­On­Top­Rate­Max­Charge 0.0 Unknown
­On­Top­Rate­Min­Charge 0.0 Unknown
­Skip­Num 1 Unknown
­Skip­Reset­Frame 40 Unknown
­Spawn­Nearest­Charge­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Nearest­Max­Offset­X­Z 10.0 Unknown
SplashWallHitParam spl__­Bullet­Charger­Splash­Wall­Hit­Param Unknown
SpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Charger­Splash­Wall­Hit­Spawn­Paramspl__­Bullet­Splash­Wall­Hit­Spawn­Param Unknown
­Between­Distance 1.25 Unknown
­Distance­X­Z­Rate 1.33333 Unknown
­First­Distance 1.25 Unknown
­Num­Max 8 Unknown
­Num­Min­Charge 0 Unknown
­Spawn­Max­Charge­Frame 32 Unknown
­Velocity­Minus­Y­Rate 0.45 Unknown
WallDropCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Charger­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Paramspl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall­Max­Charge 0.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall­Min­Charge 0.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock­Max­Charge 0.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock­Min­Charge 0.0 Unknown
WallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type value_0_008 Unknown
WallDropCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Charger­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Paramspl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall­Max­Charge 0.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall­Min­Charge 0.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock­Max­Charge 0.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock­Min­Charge 0.0 Unknown
WallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type value_0_008 Unknown
WeaponDivideChargerParam spl__­Weapon­Divide­Charger­Param Params related to the abilitty to fire multiple shots using a single charge.
­Full­Charge­Divide­Num 1 Unknown
MuzzleLocalPos Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
WeaponKeepChargeParam spl__­Weapon­Keep­Charge­Param Params related to the ability to keep a charge.
­Enable­Keep­Charge­Anytime False Unknown
­Enable­Keep­Charge­Trans­Cancel False Unknown
­Keep­Charge­Full­Frame 180 Unknown
­Keep­Charge­Pre­Delay­Frame 19 Unknown
­Keep­Charge­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Pre 14 Unknown
MuzzleLocalPos Unknown
­X 0.0 Unknown
­Y 0.0 Unknown
­Z 0.0 Unknown
WeaponParam spl__­Weapon­Charger­Param Unknown
­Air­Charge­Rate­By­Ink­Empty 1 Unknown
­Charge­Frame­Full­Charge 60 Unknown
­Charge­Frame­Mid­Charge 0 Unknown
­Charge­Frame­Min­Charge 8 Unknown
­Freeze­Frame­Full­Charge 10 Unknown
­Freeze­Frame­Min­Charge 10 Unknown
­Ink­Consume­Full­Charge 0.2 Unknown
­Ink­Consume­Min­Charge 0.05 Unknown
­Ink­Empty­Charge­Times 3 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 20 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop­Charge­Keep 4 Unknown
­Jump­Height­Full­Charge 0.0 Unknown
­Move­Jump­Down­Bias 0.4 Unknown
­Move­Jump­Down­Start­Charge­Rate 0.2 Unknown
­Move­Speed­Full­Charge 0.2 Unknown
­Post­Delay­Frame 15 Unknown
WeaponScopeParam spl__­Weapon­Scope­Param Params related to the scoping effect of scoped chargers.
­Camera­Fovy 28.0 Unknown
­Camera­Move­End­Charge­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Camera­Move­Start­Charge­Rate 0.5 Unknown
­Player­Alpha­End­Charge­Rate 0.85 Unknown
­Player­Alpha­Start­Charge­Rate 0.5 Unknown
spl__WeaponChargerGuideShapeParam spl__­Weapon­Charger­Guide­Shape­Param Unknown
­Not­Update­Different­Length 0.1 Unknown
­Update­Expansion­Frame 6 Unknown
­Update­Expansion­Length 7.0 Unknown
­Update­Frame 10 Unknown
­Update­Shrink­Length 0.9 Unknown


Name Default value/type Description Notes
BlastParam spl__­Bullet­Slosher­Blast­Param Unknown
BlastParam spl__­Bullet­Blast­Param Explosion parameters.
­Collision­Radius­For­Paint 0.0 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Check­Length 2.0 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Radius 2.0 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Texture Bomb00 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Use­Chage­Area False Unknown
­Damage­Attacker­Priority False Determines whether damage is dealt based on contact on the user's screen (true) or the target's screen (false). Usually set to true on main weapons and false on subs/specials. Notably, parrying the explosion is much more consistent when this value is set to false.
­Damage­Linear False For explosions with multiple possible damage values (multiple entries in DistanceDamage), determines if damage dealt is interpolated linearly for targets inside of one damage radius but outside of another. If false, the damage dealt will be exactly the damage value of the nearest radius that the target is within. Most explosions have this set to false, although all blasters with multiple damage radii have it set to true.
­Damage­Offset­Y 0.0 Unknown
DistanceDamage Array of values determining how much damage is dealt based on distance from the center of the explosion.
­Damage int Damage dealt at the specified distance.
­Distance float Distance in which the damage is dealt.
KnockBackParam spl__­Bullet­Knock­Back­Param Unknown
­Accel 200.0 Unknown
­Bias 0.5 Unknown
­Direction­Zero­Accel­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Distance 2.0 Unknown
­Paint­Height 4.0 Unknown
­Paint­Offset­Y 0.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius 4.0 Unknown
­Paint­Texture Bomb00 Unknown
­Plane­Damage array Unknown
­Reaction­Vel 100.0 Unknown
SplashAroundParam spl__­Bullet­Spawn­Splash­Around­Param Unknown
­Num 0 Unknown
­Offset­Y 0.5 Unknown
­Paint­Radius 1.0 Unknown
­Pitch­Max 30.0 Unknown
­Pitch­Min 5.0 Unknown
­Velocity­Max 0.54 Unknown
­Velocity­Min 0.48 Unknown
­Sub­Special­Spec­Up­List array Unknown
­Bullet­Order­Num­In­Unit 0 Unknown
­Distance­Far 20.0 Unknown
­Distance­Near 10.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Far 3.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Near 3.0 Unknown
­Unit­Order­Num 0 Unknown
BounceGroupParam spl__­Bullet­Slosher­Bounce­Group­Param Params controlling the behavior of bouncing shots.
BounceParam Unknown
­After­Offset­Paint­Radius­First­Bnce 0.0 Unknown
­Bounce­After­Max­Deg 70.0 Unknown
­Bounce­After­Max­Speed 0.4 Unknown
­Bounce­Max­Num 2 Unknown
­Collision­Radius­Rate­Each­Bounce 0.75 Unknown
­Dn­Hill­Bounce­After­Add­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Dn­Hill­Bounce­After­Min­Deg­Slope 5.0 Unknown
­Dn­Hill­Bounce­Rate­Cross 0.9 Unknown
­Dn­Hill­Bounce­Rate­Normal 0.5 Unknown
­Dn­Hill­Deg­Use­Bounce­After­Min­Deg -30.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­First­Bounce float Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Rate­Each­Bounce 0.85 Unknown
­Unit­Order­Num 0 Unknown
­Up­Hill­Bounce­After­Add­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Up­Hill­Bounce­After­Min­Deg­Slope 30.0 Unknown
­Up­Hill­Bounce­Rate­Cross 2.0 Unknown
­Up­Hill­Bounce­Rate­Normal 0.5 Unknown
­Up­Hill­Deg­Use­Bounce­Rate 45.0 Unknown
­Wall­Bounce­Rate­Cross 0.8 Unknown
­Wall­Bounce­Rate­Normal 0.8 Unknown
MainEffectiveRangeUpParam spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Effective­Range­Up_­Slosher­And­Brush Unknown
­Base­Distance 10.0 Unknown
­High 1.5 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
MainWeaponSetting spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Weapon­Setting Controls parameters related to gear abilities which may have different effects depending on the weapon. Values set to -1 simply use the default rate for the ability.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­High -1.0 Ink saver main rate at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Low -1.0 Ink saver main rate with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­High -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Low -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Weapon­Acc­Type 1 Determines the weapon's stealth acceleration. Set to "High" on sploosh, "Mid" on everything else.
­Weapon­Speed­Type 1 Determines the weight class of the weapon.
NearestParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Slosher­Nearest­Param Unknown
DrawSizeCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Slosher­Draw­Size­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
­Draw­Radius 0.2 Unknown
­Paint­Depth­Scale 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Width­Half 1.0 Unknown
SpawnOffset Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
SplashSlosherScatterParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Slosher­Scatter­Param Unknown
­Bullet­Order­Num­In­Unit 0 Unknown
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
­Paint­Radius 1.0 Unknown
­Spawn­First­Frame 5 Unknown
­Spawn­Max­Degree 80.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Max­Num 10 Unknown
­Spawn­Min­Degree -80.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Offset­Max 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Offset­Min 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Span­Change­End­Frame 20 Unknown
­Spawn­Span­Frame­First 1 Unknown
­Spawn­Span­Frame­Last 1 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed 0.1 Unknown
­Unit­Order­Num 0 Unknown
SplashSlosherSpiralParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Slosher­Spiral­Param Unknown
­Bullet­Order­Num­In­Unit 0 Unknown
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
­Life­Frame 7 Unknown
­Round­Split­Num 8 Unknown
­Same­Time­Spawn­Num 2 Unknown
­Spawn­Span­Change­End­Frame 80 Unknown
­Spawn­Span­Change­Start­Frame 40 Unknown
­Spawn­Span­Frame­First 1 Unknown
­Spawn­Span­Frame­Last 1 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Change­End­Fall­Height 8.5 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Change­Start­Fall­Height 1.5 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­First 0.1 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Last 0.1 Unknown
­Unit­Order­Num 0 Unknown
UnitGroupParam spl__­Bullet­Slosher­Unit­Group­Param Unknown
Unit spl__­Bullet­Slosher­Unit­Param Unknown
­Add­Spawn­Speed­Y­Rate­By­X­Z 0.1 Unknown
­After­Offset­Delay­Frame 0 Unknown
­After­Offset­Spawn­Speed 0.0 Unknown
AfterPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Slosher­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Far 1.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Near 1.0 Unknown
­Distance­X­Z­Far 20.0 Unknown
­Distance­X­Z­Near 1.0 Unknown
­Scale­End­Fall­Distance 10.0 Unknown
­Scale­Start­Fall­Distance 5.0 Unknown
­Width­Depth­Scale­Fall 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Far 1.8 Unknown
­Width­Half­Near 1.0 Unknown
AfterWallDropCollisionPaintPrm spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
AfterWallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type 0 Unknown
­Base­Rotate­Y­Degree 0.0 Unknown
­Bullet­Num 1 Unknown
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Slosher­Collision­Paramspl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­After­Offset­End­Radius­For­Field 0.0 Unknown
­After­Offset­End­Radius­For­Player 0.0 Unknown
­After­Offset­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.0 Unknown
­After­Offset­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.0 Unknown
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
DamageParam spl__­Bullet­Slosher­Unit­Damage­Param Unknown
­Group­Num 0 Unknown
­Reduce­End­Fall­Distance 10.0 Unknown
­Reduce­Start­Fall­Distance 5.0 Unknown
­Value­Max 800 Unknown
­Value­Min 400 Unknown
DrawSizeParam spl__­Bullet­Slosher­Draw­Size­Param Unknown
­After­Offset­End­Radius 0.0 Unknown
­After­Offset­Init­Radius 0.0 Unknown
­Change­Frame 0 Unknown
­End­Radius 0.2 Unknown
­Init­Radius 0.2 Unknown
­Tail­I­D 0 Unknown
­Tail­Length­Max 4.0 Unknown
­Tail­Length­Max­Last­Tail -1.0 Unknown
­Tail­Length­Min 0.5 Unknown
­Tail­Solid­Frame 5 Unknown
­Hit­Effect­Big­Order­Num array Unknown
MoveParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Controls parameters relating to shot movement. Shots have 3 movement stages: Straight, Brake, and Free.
­Brake­Air­Resist 0.36 Speed reduction per frame during brake state. Applies in all directions, applies before gravity.
­Brake­Gravity 0.07 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame. Applies after air resistance.
­Brake­To­Free­State­Frame 4 Unknown Appears to be unused. Implies that it forces shots to enter free state after a certain number of frames.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­X­Z 0.2355 Unknown Also appears unused. It is unclear whether intended behavior requires both XZ and Y velocity to be below a certain threshold, or if just one needs to be.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­Y -0.15 When a shot's Y velocity falls below this number, it enters free state. Some weapons set this value exceptionally high to effectively skip brake state.
­Free­Air­Resist 0.02 Speed reduction per frame during free state. Brake and Free state function identically but with different parameters.
­Free­Gravity 0.016 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame.
­Go­Straight­State­End­Max­Speed 10.0 After straight state ends, if the velocity is above this number, it is set equal to it. This change occurs before air resistance and gravity is applied.
­Go­Straight­To­Brake­State­Frame 10 Number of frames the shot flies in straight state, where it has no gravity or air resistance.
­Spawn­Speed 2.0 Initial velocity of the shot.
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Slosher­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Far 1.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Near 1.0 Unknown
­Distance­X­Z­Far 20.0 Unknown
­Distance­X­Z­Near 1.0 Unknown
­Scale­End­Fall­Distance 10.0 Unknown
­Scale­Start­Fall­Distance 5.0 Unknown
­Width­Depth­Scale­Fall 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Far 1.8 Unknown
­Width­Half­Near 1.0 Unknown
­Random­Rotate­Y­Bias 0.5 Unknown
­Random­Rotate­Y­Degree 0.0 Unknown
­Random­Rotate­Y­Off­Order­Num array Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Air 2.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Ground 2.0 Unknown
SplashAndSplashWallHitSpawnPrm spl__­Bullet­Splash­Slosher­And­Splash­Wall­Hit­Spawn­Param Unknown
Combination spl__­Bullet­Splash­Slosher­And­Splash­Wall­Hit­Combination­Param Unknown
­Order­Num 0 Unknown
­Splash­Array­Order­Num -1 Unknown
­Splash­Wall­Hit­Array­Order­Num -1 Unknown
­Total­Num 0 Unknown
SplashParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Slosher­Nearest­Param Unknown
DrawSizeCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Slosher­Draw­Size­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
­Draw­Radius 0.2 Unknown
­Paint­Depth­Scale 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Width­Half 1.0 Unknown
SpawnParam Unknown
­First­Splash­Rate­For­Length­Max float Unknown
­First­Splash­Rate­For­Length­Min float Unknown
­Spawn­Between­Length float Unknown
­Spawn­Num int Unknown
SplashWallHitParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Wall­Hit­Param Unknown
SpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Wall­Hit­Spawn­Param Unknown
­Between­Distance 1.25 Unknown
­Distance­X­Z­Rate 1.333333 Unknown
­First­Distance 1.25 Unknown
­Velocity­Minus­Y­Rate 0.45 Unknown
WallDropCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
WallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type 0 Unknown
­Splash­Slosher­Hit­Param array Unknown
­Unit­Delay­Frame 0 Unknown
WallDropCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
WallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type 0 Unknown
WeaponParam spl__­Weapon­Slosher­Param Unknown
­Frame­Offset­Degree­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Frame­Offset­Max­Degree 10.0 Unknown
­Frame­Offset­Max­Move­Length 3.0 Unknown
­Ink­Consume 0.01 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 20 Unknown
­Move­Lmt­Frame 30 Unknown
­Move­Speed 0.0 Unknown
­Post­Delay­Frame 6 Unknown
­Repeat­Frame 20 Unknown
ShotGuide spl__­Weapon­Slosher­Shot­Guide­Param Unknown
­Bullet­Order­Num­In­Unit 0 Unknown
­Frame 8 Unknown
­Unit­Order­Num 0 Unknown
­Swing­Lift­Anim­Frame 10.0 Unknown
­Swing­Lift­Frame 25 Unknown
spl__SpawnBulletAdditionMovePlayerParam spl__­Spawn­Bullet­Addition­Move­Player­Param Unknown
­Guide­Y­Minus­Zero False Unknown
­X­Rate 0.4 Unknown
­Y­Max 100.0 Unknown
­Y­Minus­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Y­Plus­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Z­Rate 2.0 Unknown


Name Default value/type Description Notes
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
DamageParam spl__­Bullet­Spinner­Damage­Paramspl__­Bullet­Shooter­Damage­Param Contains info about the damage of the main shot.
­Reduce­End­Frame 0 Frame in which minimum damage is reached.
­Reduce­Start­Frame 0 Frame in which damage falloff starts.
­Value­Full­Charge­Max 0 Unknown
­Value­Max 0 Shot damage before damage falloff.
­Value­Min 0 Shot damage after damage falloff ends.
MainEffectiveRangeUpParam spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Effective­Range­Up_­Spinner Unknown
­High 1.5 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
­Valid­Min­Charge False Unknown
MainWeaponSetting spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Weapon­Setting Controls parameters related to gear abilities which may have different effects depending on the weapon. Values set to -1 simply use the default rate for the ability.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­High -1.0 Ink saver main rate at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Low -1.0 Ink saver main rate with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­High -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Low -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Weapon­Acc­Type 1 Determines the weapon's stealth acceleration. Set to "High" on sploosh, "Mid" on everything else.
­Weapon­Speed­Type 1 Determines the weight class of the weapon.
MoveParam spl__­Bullet­Spinner­Move­Paramspl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Controls parameters relating to shot movement. Shots have 3 movement stages: Straight, Brake, and Free.
­Brake­Air­Resist 0.36 Speed reduction per frame during brake state. Applies in all directions, applies before gravity.
­Brake­Gravity 0.07 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame. Applies after air resistance.
­Brake­To­Free­State­Frame 4 Unknown Appears to be unused. Implies that it forces shots to enter free state after a certain number of frames.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­X­Z 0.2355 Unknown Also appears unused. It is unclear whether intended behavior requires both XZ and Y velocity to be below a certain threshold, or if just one needs to be.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­Y -0.15 When a shot's Y velocity falls below this number, it enters free state. Some weapons set this value exceptionally high to effectively skip brake state.
­Free­Air­Resist 0.02 Speed reduction per frame during free state. Brake and Free state function identically but with different parameters.
­Free­Gravity 0.016 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame.
­Go­Straight­State­End­Max­Speed 10.0 After straight state ends, if the velocity is above this number, it is set equal to it. This change occurs before air resistance and gravity is applied.
­Go­Straight­To­Brake­State­Frame 10 Number of frames the shot flies in straight state, where it has no gravity or air resistance.
­Spawn­Speed 2.0 Initial velocity of the shot.
­Spawn­Speed­First­Last­And­Second 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Random­Bias 0.5 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Random­Rate 0.0 Unknown
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Paint­Param Params for how much a bullet paints upon hitting the ground. Does not control splash. Controlled by 2 systems, DepthScale and WidthHalf. These systems scale between certain values at certain distances/angles.
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Max 10.0 When a shot lands with this degree when hitting the ground, it uses DepthScaleMax to control how stretched out the paint is (in the direction away from which it was fired). Shots landing between this and the min are scaled between the two values.
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Min 35.0 When a shot lands with this degree when hitting the ground, it uses DepthScaleMin to control how stretched out the paint is (in the direction away from which it was fired). Shots landing between this and the max are scaled between the two values.
­Depth­Scale­Max 2.4 Arbitrary coefficient controlling how stretched the shot is when the shot lands with a degree of DegreeUseDepthScaleMax. Higher values mean the weapon will have more painting range, and generally paint more.
­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 2.4 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.4 Arbitrary coefficient controlling how stretched the shot is when the shot lands with a degree of DegreeUseDepthScaleMin. Higher values mean the weapon will have more painting range, and generally paint more.
­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 1.2 Unknown
­Distance­Far 20.0 Distance in which WidthHalfFar is used to control size of paint drops. Any shots that land past this distance will use WidthHalfFar. Shots that land between this and DistanceMiddle have their size scaled between the 2 values, depending on how close to each the shot was.
­Distance­Middle 20.0 Distance in which WidthHalfMiddle is used to control size of paint drops. Any shots that land short of this distance will scale between this and WidthHalfNear. Anything further scales between this and WidthHalfFar.
­Distance­Near 1.1 Distance in which WidthHalfNear is used to control size of paint drops. Any shots that land short of this distance will use WidthHalfNear. Shots that land between this and DistanceMiddle have their size scaled between the 2 values, depending on how close to each the shot was.
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 1.5 Unknown
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 10.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Far 1.8 Width of paint created when a shot lands at DistanceFar.
­Width­Half­Middle 1.8 Width of paint created when a shot lands at DistanceMiddle.
­Width­Half­Near 1.92 Width of paint created when a shot lands at DistanceNear.
SplashPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth­Max­Drop­Height 3.0 Unknown
­Depth­Min­Drop­Height 10.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max 1.2 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Nearest 1.2 Unknown
SplashSpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Spawn­Param Unknown
­Force­Spawn­Nearest­Add­Num­Array array Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­X­Max 0.055 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Y­Max 0.015 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Max 0.02 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Min 0.01 Unknown
­Spawn­Between­Length 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Nearest­Length 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Num 0.0 Unknown
­Split­Num 1 Unknown
VariableDamageParam spl__­Bullet­Spinner­Damage­Paramspl__­Bullet­Shooter­Damage­Param Determines the damage properties of the alternate firing mode of the weapon. Same params as DamageParam. The alternate firing modes are squeezer's short range mode and ballpoint's long range mode.
VariableMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Spinner­Move­Paramspl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Determines the bullet movement properties of the alternate firing mode of the weapon. Same params as MoveParam. The alternate firing modes are squeezer's short range mode and ballpoint's long range mode.
VariablePaintParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Paint­Param Determines the painting properties of the alternate firing mode of the weapon. Same params as PaintParam. The alternate firing modes are squeezer's short range mode and ballpoint's long range mode.
VariableShotParam spl__­Weapon­Variable­Shot­Param Unknown
VariableSplashPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Paint­Param Determines the splash painting properties of the alternate firing mode of the weapon. Same params as SplashPaintParam. The alternate firing modes are squeezer's short range mode and ballpoint's long range mode.
VariableSplashSpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Spawn­Param Determines the splash spawning properties of the alternate firing mode of the weapon. Same params as SplashSpawnParam. The alternate firing modes are squeezer's short range mode and ballpoint's long range mode.
WallDropCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
WallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type value_0_008 Unknown
WeaponFullChargeParam spl__­Weapon­Spinner­Full­Charge­Param Params controlling the behavior of the weapon on a full charge.
­Max­Shooting­Frame_­Second 144 The number of frames for which the weapon can fire.
­Repeat­Frame 6 The interval of frames between bullets.
WeaponKeepChargeParam spl__­Weapon­Keep­Charge­Param Unknown
­Enable­Keep­Charge­Anytime False Unknown
­Enable­Keep­Charge­Trans­Cancel False Unknown
­Keep­Charge­Full­Frame 180 Unknown
­Keep­Charge­Pre­Delay­Frame 19 Unknown
­Keep­Charge­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Pre 14 Unknown
MuzzleLocalPos Unknown
­X 0.0 Unknown
­Y 0.0 Unknown
­Z 0.0 Unknown
WeaponParam spl__­Weapon­Spinner­Paramspl__­Weapon­Shooter­Param Unknown
­Air­Charge­Rate­By­Ink­Empty 1 Unknown
­Burst­Aim­Move­Frame 0 Unknown
­Charge­Frame_­First 50 Unknown
­Charge­Frame_­Min 8 Unknown
­Charge­Frame_­Second 75 Unknown
­Enable­Recharge False Unknown
­Ink­Consume 0.009 Unknown
­Ink­Empty­Charge­Times 4 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 20 Unknown
­Jump­Gnd_­Charge 0.08 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Bias­Decrease­Start­Frame 0 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Bias­End­Frame 45 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Bias­Max 0.0 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Swerve 0.0 Unknown
­Max­Shooting­Frame_­First 72 Unknown
­Max­Shooting­Frame_­Second 144 Unknown
­Move­Speed 0.0 Unknown
­Move­Speed_­Charge 0.062 Unknown
­Pitch­Deg­Bias 0.2 Unknown
­Pitch­Deg­Swerve 0.0 Unknown
­Post­Delay­Frame 4 Unknown
­Post­Delay­Frame_­Blaster 23 Unknown
­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Human­Shot 0 Unknown
­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Squid­Shot 4 Unknown
­Repeat­Frame 6 Unknown
­Shot­Guide­Frame 8 Unknown
­Squid­Shot­Shortening­Frame 0 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Decrease 0.01 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Kf 0.02 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Max 0.25 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Min 0.1 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Swerve 0.0 Unknown
­Triple­Shot­Span­Frame 0 Unknown
­Variable­Shot­Repeat­Start­Frame 0 Unknown
­Vel­Gnd_­Bias_­Charge 0.4 Unknown
­Vel­Gnd_­Down­Rt_­Charge 0.2 Unknown
spl__BulletShooterTailLengthParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Tail­Length­Param Unknown
­Delay­Shot­Frame 3 Unknown
­End­Max­Length 1.5 Unknown
­Max­Length­Frame 10 Unknown
­Start­Max­Length 20.0 Unknown
spl__SpawnBulletAdditionMovePlayerParam spl__­Spawn­Bullet­Addition­Move­Player­Param Unknown
­Guide­Y­Minus­Zero False Unknown
­X­Rate 0.4 Unknown
­Y­Max 100.0 Unknown
­Y­Minus­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Y­Plus­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Z­Rate 2.0 Unknown


Name Default value/type Description Notes
CollisionLapOverParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
DamageLapOverParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Damage­Param Contains info about the damage of the main shot.
­Reduce­End­Frame 0 Frame in which minimum damage is reached.
­Reduce­Start­Frame 0 Frame in which damage falloff starts.
­Value­Max 0 Shot damage before damage falloff.
­Value­Min 0 Shot damage after damage falloff ends.
DamageParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Damage­Param Contains info about the damage of the main shot.
­Reduce­End­Frame 0 Frame in which minimum damage is reached.
­Reduce­Start­Frame 0 Frame in which damage falloff starts.
­Value­Max 0 Shot damage before damage falloff.
­Value­Min 0 Shot damage after damage falloff ends.
MainEffectiveRangeUpParam spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Effective­Range­Up Unknown
­High 1.5 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
MainWeaponSetting spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Weapon­Setting Controls parameters related to gear abilities which may have different effects depending on the weapon. Values set to -1 simply use the default rate for the ability.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­High -1.0 Ink saver main rate at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Low -1.0 Ink saver main rate with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­High -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Low -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Weapon­Acc­Type 1 Determines the weapon's stealth acceleration. Set to "High" on sploosh, "Mid" on everything else.
­Weapon­Speed­Type 1 Determines the weight class of the weapon.
MoveLapOverParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Controls params relating to shot movement while in turret mode. Same as MoveParam.
­Brake­Air­Resist 0.36 Unknown
­Brake­Gravity 0.07 Unknown
­Brake­To­Free­State­Frame 4 Unknown
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­X­Z 0.2355 Unknown
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­Y -0.15 Unknown
­Free­Air­Resist 0.02 Unknown
­Free­Gravity 0.016 Unknown
­Go­Straight­State­End­Max­Speed 10.0 Unknown
­Go­Straight­To­Brake­State­Frame 10 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed 2.0 Unknown
MoveParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Controls parameters relating to shot movement. Shots have 3 movement stages: Straight, Brake, and Free.
­Brake­Air­Resist 0.36 Speed reduction per frame during brake state. Applies in all directions, applies before gravity.
­Brake­Gravity 0.07 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame. Applies after air resistance.
­Brake­To­Free­State­Frame 4 Unknown Appears to be unused. Implies that it forces shots to enter free state after a certain number of frames.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­X­Z 0.2355 Unknown Also appears unused. It is unclear whether intended behavior requires both XZ and Y velocity to be below a certain threshold, or if just one needs to be.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­Y -0.15 When a shot's Y velocity falls below this number, it enters free state. Some weapons set this value exceptionally high to effectively skip brake state.
­Free­Air­Resist 0.02 Speed reduction per frame during free state. Brake and Free state function identically but with different parameters.
­Free­Gravity 0.016 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame.
­Go­Straight­State­End­Max­Speed 10.0 After straight state ends, if the velocity is above this number, it is set equal to it. This change occurs before air resistance and gravity is applied.
­Go­Straight­To­Brake­State­Frame 10 Number of frames the shot flies in straight state, where it has no gravity or air resistance.
­Spawn­Speed 2.0 Initial velocity of the shot.
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Shooter­Paint­Param Params for how much a bullet paints upon hitting the ground. Does not control splash. Controlled by 2 systems, DepthScale and WidthHalf. These systems scale between certain values at certain distances/angles.
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Max 10.0 When a shot lands with this degree when hitting the ground, it uses DepthScaleMax to control how stretched out the paint is (in the direction away from which it was fired). Shots landing between this and the min are scaled between the two values.
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Min 35.0 When a shot lands with this degree when hitting the ground, it uses DepthScaleMin to control how stretched out the paint is (in the direction away from which it was fired). Shots landing between this and the max are scaled between the two values.
­Depth­Scale­Max 2.4 Arbitrary coefficient controlling how stretched the shot is when the shot lands with a degree of DegreeUseDepthScaleMax. Higher values mean the weapon will have more painting range, and generally paint more.
­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 2.4 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.4 Arbitrary coefficient controlling how stretched the shot is when the shot lands with a degree of DegreeUseDepthScaleMin. Higher values mean the weapon will have more painting range, and generally paint more.
­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 1.2 Unknown
­Distance­Far 20.0 Distance in which WidthHalfFar is used to control size of paint drops. Any shots that land past this distance will use WidthHalfFar. Shots that land between this and DistanceMiddle have their size scaled between the 2 values, depending on how close to each the shot was.
­Distance­Middle 20.0 Distance in which WidthHalfMiddle is used to control size of paint drops. Any shots that land short of this distance will scale between this and WidthHalfNear. Anything further scales between this and WidthHalfFar.
­Distance­Near 1.1 Distance in which WidthHalfNear is used to control size of paint drops. Any shots that land short of this distance will use WidthHalfNear. Shots that land between this and DistanceMiddle have their size scaled between the 2 values, depending on how close to each the shot was.
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 1.5 Unknown
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 10.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Far 1.8 Width of paint created when a shot lands at DistanceFar.
­Width­Half­Middle 1.8 Width of paint created when a shot lands at DistanceMiddle.
­Width­Half­Near 1.92 Width of paint created when a shot lands at DistanceNear.
SideStepBlastParam spl__­Bullet­Blast­Param Explosion parameters for the dodge roll.
­Cross­Paint­Check­Length 2.0 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Radius 2.0 Unknown
­Damage­Linear False For explosions with multiple possible damage values (multiple entries in DistanceDamage), determines if damage dealt is interpolated linearly for targets inside of one damage radius but outside of another. If false, the damage dealt will be exactly the damage value of the nearest radius that the target is within. Most explosions have this set to false, although all blasters with multiple damage radii have it set to true.
DistanceDamage Array of values determining how much damage is dealt based on distance from the center of the explosion.
­Damage int Damage dealt at the specified distance.
­Distance float Distance in which the damage is dealt.
­Paint­Height 4.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius 4.0 Unknown
SideStepParam spl__­Player­Side­Step­Param Parameters that control the dodge roll.
­Charge­Frame 4 Unknown
­Ink­Consume 0.09 The amount of ink consumed by the dodge roll.
­Ink­Recover­Stop 70 Unknown
­Input­Req­Accept­Frame 10 Unknown
­Is­Shootable­In­Move False Determines whether the weapon can be fired while moving in a dodge roll.
­Move­Dist 4.0 The distance travelled by the dodge roll.
­Move­Frame 16 Unknown
­Move­Step­Kd 0.95 Unknown
­Repeat­Cnt 2 The number of times the dodge roll can be performed in succession.
­Slip­Move­Dist­Air 1.0 Unknown
­Slip­Move­Dist­Gnd 1.0 Unknown
­Slip­Move­Frame 50 Unknown
SplashSlideParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Maneuver­Slide­Param Unknown
­Move­Length 5.0 Unknown
­Paint­Depth­Scale 2.0 Unknown
­Paint­Width­Half 1.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Dir­Pitch 70.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Offset­Y 1.0 Unknown
­Wait­Frame 6 Unknown
­Time­Scale 3.0 Unknown
­Time­Scale­Frm 7 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­Move 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­Move_­Last 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­No­Side­Step 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­No­Side­Step_­Last 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­No­Squid 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­No­Squid_­Last 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­No­Weapon 4 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­No­Weapon_­Last 4 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­One­Muzzle 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­One­Muzzle_­Last 32 Unknown
SplashPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth­Max­Drop­Height 3.0 Unknown
­Depth­Min­Drop­Height 10.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max 1.2 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Nearest 1.2 Unknown
SplashSpawnLapOverParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Spawn­Param Unknown
­Force­Spawn­Nearest­Add­Num­Array array Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­X­Max 0.055 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Y­Max 0.015 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Max 0.02 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Min 0.01 Unknown
­Spawn­Between­Length 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Nearest­Length 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Num 0.0 Unknown
­Split­Num 1 Unknown
SplashSpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Shooter­Spawn­Param Unknown
­Force­Spawn­Nearest­Add­Num­Array array Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­X­Max 0.055 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Y­Max 0.015 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Max 0.02 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Min 0.01 Unknown
­Spawn­Between­Length 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Nearest­Length 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Num 0.0 Unknown
­Split­Num 1 Unknown
WallDropCollisionPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
WallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type value_0_008 Unknown
WeaponParam spl__­Weapon­Maneuver­Paramspl__­Weapon­Shooter­Param Unknown
­Burst­Aim­Move­Frame 0 Unknown
­Ink­Consume 0.009 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 20 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Bias­Decrease­Start­Frame 0 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Bias­End­Frame 45 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Bias­Max 0.0 Unknown
­Jump_­Deg­Swerve 0.0 Unknown
­Lap­Over_­Deg­Swerve 0.0 Unknown
­Lap­Over_­Repeat­Frame 6 Unknown
­Move­Speed 0.0 Unknown
­Post­Delay­Frame 4 Unknown
­Post­Delay­Frame_­Blaster 23 Unknown
­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Human­Shot 0 Unknown
­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Squid­Shot 4 Unknown
­Repeat­Frame 6 Unknown
­Shot­Guide­Frame 8 Unknown
­Squid­Shot­Shortening­Frame 0 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Decrease 0.01 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Kf 0.02 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Max 0.25 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Bias­Min 0.1 Unknown
­Stand_­Deg­Swerve 0.0 Unknown
­Triple­Shot­Span­Frame 0 Unknown
­Variable­Shot­Repeat­Start­Frame 0 Unknown
spl__SpawnBulletAdditionMovePlayerParam spl__­Spawn­Bullet­Addition­Move­Player­Param Unknown
­Guide­Y­Minus­Zero False Unknown
­X­Rate 0.4 Unknown
­Y­Max 100.0 Unknown
­Y­Minus­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Y­Plus­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Z­Rate 2.0 Unknown


Name Default value/type Description Notes
MainEffectiveRangeUpParam spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Effective­Range­Up Unknown
­High 1.5 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
MainWeaponSetting spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Weapon­Setting Controls parameters related to gear abilities which may have different effects depending on the weapon. Values set to -1 simply use the default rate for the ability.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­High -1.0 Ink saver main rate at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Low -1.0 Ink saver main rate with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­High -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Low -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Weapon­Acc­Type 1 Determines the weapon's stealth acceleration. Set to "High" on sploosh, "Mid" on everything else.
­Weapon­Speed­Type 1 Determines the weight class of the weapon.
spl__BulletShelterCanopyParam spl__­Bullet­Shelter­Canopy­Param Params controlling the behavior of the brella canopy.
­Canopy­Air­Resist 0.05 Unknown
­Canopy­Air­Resist­Air 0.01 Unknown
­Canopy­Attacked­Damage­Rate 0.5 Unknown
­Canopy­Base­Speed­Come­Over­Rate 0.92 Unknown
­Canopy­Col­Radius 0.5 Unknown
­Canopy­Cure­H­P­Per­Frame 25 Unknown
­Canopy­Cure­Wait­Frame 0 Unknown
­Canopy­Damage 300 Unknown
­Canopy­Damage­Interval­Frame 30 Unknown
­Canopy­Destroy­Wait­Frame 15 Unknown
­Canopy­Frame 300 Unknown
­Canopy­Gravity 0.9 Unknown
­Canopy­H­P 5000 Unknown
­Canopy­Hit­Other­Canopy­Damage 5000 Unknown
­Canopy­Hit­Other­Canopy­Volume 8 Unknown
­Canopy­Hit­Shield­Attack­Damage 1500 Unknown
­Canopy­Hit­Shield­Interval­Frame 15 Unknown
­Canopy­Hit­Shield­Receive­Damage 10000 Unknown
­Canopy­Hold­Knock­Back­Core­Impact 720.0 Unknown
­Canopy­Hold­Knock­Back­Core­Impact­N­P -1.0 Unknown
­Canopy­Init­Speed 0.132 Unknown
­Canopy­Move­Knock­Back­Core­Impact 720.0 Unknown
­Canopy­Move­Knock­Back­Core­Impact­N­P -1.0 Unknown
­Canopy­Move­Knock­Back­Degree 60.0 Unknown
­Canopy­Move­Knock­Back­Side­Step­Rate 1.333 Unknown
­Canopy­Naked­Frame 390 Unknown
­Canopy­Paint­Radius 1.0 Unknown
­Canopy­Rebound­Bound­Add­Vel 0.3 Unknown
­Canopy­Rebound­Bound­Rate 0.9 Unknown
­Canopy­Rebound­Enemy­Add­Side­Vel 0.0 Unknown
­Canopy­Rebound­Min­Speed 0.5 Unknown
­Canopy­Speed­Air­Add­Scale­X­Z 0.12 Unknown
­Canopy­Speed­Ground­Add­Scale 0.08 Unknown
­Canopy­Tilt­Degree 10.0 Unknown
­Check­Receiver­Attack­Pos False Unknown
­Foot­Splash­Col­Radius 0.15 Unknown
­Foot­Splash­Offset 1.2 Unknown
­Foot­Splash­Paint­Radius 1.3 Unknown
­Foot­Splash­Shape­Cast­Offset 0.8 Unknown
­Foot­Splash­Span­Frame 4 Unknown
­Foot­Splash­Wait­Frame 20 Unknown
­Ignore­Step­Height 0.25 Unknown
­Owner­Knock­Back_­My­Vel­Rate 1.6 Unknown
­Owner­Knock­Back_­Opponent­Vel­Rate 0.01 Unknown
­Owner­Knock­Back_­Value­Max 480.0 Unknown
­Owner­Knock­Back_­Value­Min 300.0 Unknown
­Slope­Slow­Down­Rate 1.0 Unknown
spl__BulletShelterShotgunParam spl__­Bullet­Shelter­Shotgun­Param Params related to the pellets fired by the brella shotgun.
­Damage­Effective­Total­Max 10000 The maximum damage that the brella is able to deal per target with one firing of the shotgun.
GroupParams spl__­Bullet­Shelter­Shotgun­Group­Param Unknown
­Add­Degree 0.0 Unknown
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
DamageParam spl__­Bullet­Shelter­Shotgun­Damage­Param Unknown
­Reduce­End­Frame 24 Unknown
­Reduce­Start­Frame 8 Unknown
­Value­Max 180 Unknown
­Value­Min 120 Unknown
­Draw­Radius 0.4 Unknown
­Horizontal­Degree 0.0 Unknown
­Horizontal­Offset 0.0 Unknown
­Init­Vel­Random 0.4 Unknown
MoveParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Controls parameters relating to shot movement. Shots have 3 movement stages: Straight, Brake, and Free.
­Brake­Air­Resist 0.36 Speed reduction per frame during brake state. Applies in all directions, applies before gravity.
­Brake­Gravity 0.07 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame. Applies after air resistance.
­Brake­To­Free­State­Frame 4 Unknown Appears to be unused. Implies that it forces shots to enter free state after a certain number of frames.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­X­Z 0.2355 Unknown Also appears unused. It is unclear whether intended behavior requires both XZ and Y velocity to be below a certain threshold, or if just one needs to be.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­Y -0.15 When a shot's Y velocity falls below this number, it enters free state. Some weapons set this value exceptionally high to effectively skip brake state.
­Free­Air­Resist 0.02 Speed reduction per frame during free state. Brake and Free state function identically but with different parameters.
­Free­Gravity 0.016 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame.
­Go­Straight­State­End­Max­Speed 10.0 After straight state ends, if the velocity is above this number, it is set equal to it. This change occurs before air resistance and gravity is applied.
­Go­Straight­To­Brake­State­Frame 10 Number of frames the shot flies in straight state, where it has no gravity or air resistance.
­Spawn­Speed 2.0 Initial velocity of the shot.
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Shelter­Shotgun­Paint­Param Unknown
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Max 10.0 Unknown
­Degree­Use­Depth­Scale­Min 35.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max 2.4 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 2.4 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.4 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 1.2 Unknown
­Distance­Far 20.0 Unknown
­Distance­Middle 20.0 Unknown
­Distance­Near 2.0 Unknown
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Max­Break­Free 1.5 Unknown
­Height­Use­Depth­Scale­Min­Break­Free 10.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Far 1.4 Unknown
­Width­Half­Middle 1.4 Unknown
­Width­Half­Near 1.4 Unknown
­Total­Num 0 Unknown
­Vertical­Degree 0.0 Unknown
­Vertical­Offset 0.0 Unknown
ShotgunWallDropCollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
ShotgunWallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type value_0_008 Unknown
SplashParam spl__­Bullet­Shelter­Shotgun­Splash­Param Unknown
­Create­Splash­Length 3.0 Unknown
­Create­Splash­Num 6 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­X­Max 0.055 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Y­Max 0.015 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Max 0.02 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Min 0.01 Unknown
­Splash­Col­Radius 0.15 Unknown
­Splash­Draw­Radius 0.3 Unknown
­Splash­Paint­Depth­Scale­Full­Active 1.85 Unknown
­Splash­Paint­Depth­Scale­One­Active 4.7 Unknown
­Splash­Paint­Width­Full­Active 1.27 Unknown
­Splash­Paint­Width­One­Active 0.5 Unknown
SplashWallDropCollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
SplashWallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type value_0_008 Unknown
spl__SpawnBulletAdditionMovePlayerParam spl__­Spawn­Bullet­Addition­Move­Player­Param Unknown
­Guide­Y­Minus­Zero False Unknown
­X­Rate 0.4 Unknown
­Y­Max 100.0 Unknown
­Y­Minus­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Y­Plus­Rate 1.0 Unknown
­Z­Rate 2.0 Unknown
spl__WeaponShelterCanopyParam spl__­Weapon­Shelter­Canopy­Param Params that control the behavior of the canopy weapon.
­Canopy­Charge­Frame 12 Unknown
­Canopy­Dir­X­Z_­Diff­Deg_­H 30.0 Unknown
­Canopy­Dir­X­Z_­Diff­Deg_­L 1.0 Unknown
­Canopy­Dir­X­Z_­Open­Bias 0.925 Unknown
­Canopy­Dir­X­Z_­Rot­Deg­Bias 0.5 Unknown
­Canopy­Dir­X­Z_­Rot­Deg_­H 2.0 Unknown
­Canopy­Dir­X­Z_­Rot­Deg_­L 1.0 Unknown
­Canopy­Naked­Frame 390 Unknown
­Canopy­Open­End­Bias 0.7 Unknown
­Canopy­Open­End­Offset 1.5 Unknown
­Canopy­Open­Frame 20 Unknown
­Canopy­Open­Start­Offset 0.9 Unknown
­Canopy­Shot­Frame 90 Unknown
­Ink­Consume­Umbrella 0.2 Unknown
­Is­Always­Naked False Unknown
­Is­Canopy­Shot True Unknown
­Is­Recover­Canopy­By­Kill False Unknown
spl__WeaponShelterShotgunParam spl__­Weapon­Shelter­Shotgun­Param Unknown
­Ink­Consume 0.06325 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 60 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop­Canopy 120 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop­Charge 20 Unknown
­Jump­Gnd­Charge 0.7 Unknown
­Move­Speed 0.65 Unknown
­Move­Speed­Charge 0.55 Unknown
­Post­Delay­Frame_­Main 20 Unknown
­Post­Delay­Frame_­Move­Lmt 20 Unknown
­Post­No­Shot­Req­Frame 16 Unknown
­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Human­Main 8 Unknown
­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Squid­Main 15 Unknown
­Repeat­Frame 0 Unknown
­Shot­Guide­Bias­Group­Index 1 Unknown
­Shot­Guide­Calc­Group­Index 0 Unknown
­Shot­Guide­Frame 8 Unknown


Name Default value/type Description Notes
MainEffectiveRangeUpParam spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Effective­Range­Up Unknown
­High 1.5 Unknown
­Low 0.0 Unknown
­Mid 0.75 Unknown
MainWeaponSetting spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Weapon­Setting Controls parameters related to gear abilities which may have different effects depending on the weapon. Values set to -1 simply use the default rate for the ability.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­High -1.0 Ink saver main rate at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Low -1.0 Ink saver main rate with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Consume­Rt_­Main_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­High -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving at maximum stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Low -1.0 Run speed up rate while shooting and moving with no stacking.
­Overwrite_­Move­Vel­Rt_­Shot_­Mid -1.0 Value used to help determine how the game interpolates between the two extremes for gear values. More details on this system can be found at
­Weapon­Acc­Type 1 Determines the weapon's stealth acceleration. Set to "High" on sploosh, "Mid" on everything else.
­Weapon­Speed­Type 1 Determines the weight class of the weapon.
spl__BulletStringerParam spl__­Bullet­Stringer­Param Unknown
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Collision­Param Contains params related to the collision of the main shot.
­Change­Frame­For­Field 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for the stage changes.
­Change­Frame­For­Player 0 Frame in which the collision hitbox for opponents changes.
­End­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for the stage.
­End­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox after the change for opponents.
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player 0 Unknown Likely controls collision for teammates.
­Init­Radius­For­Field 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for the stage.
­Init­Radius­For­Player 0.2 Radius of the collision hitbox before the change for opponents.
DamageParam spl__­Bullet­Stringer­Damage­Param Unknown
­Direct­Hit­Damage­Max 400 Unknown
­Direct­Hit­Damage­Mid 0 Unknown
­Direct­Hit­Damage­Min 400 Unknown
DetonationParam spl__­Bullet­Stringer­Detonation­Param Unknown
BlastParam spl__­Bullet­Blast­Param Explosion parameters.
­Collision­Radius­For­Paint 0.0 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Check­Length 2.0 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Radius 2.0 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Texture 10 Unknown
­Cross­Paint­Use­Chage­Area False Unknown
­Damage­Attacker­Priority False Determines whether damage is dealt based on contact on the user's screen (true) or the target's screen (false). Usually set to true on main weapons and false on subs/specials. Notably, parrying the explosion is much more consistent when this value is set to false.
­Damage­Linear False For explosions with multiple possible damage values (multiple entries in DistanceDamage), determines if damage dealt is interpolated linearly for targets inside of one damage radius but outside of another. If false, the damage dealt will be exactly the damage value of the nearest radius that the target is within. Most explosions have this set to false, although all blasters with multiple damage radii have it set to true.
­Damage­Offset­Y 0.0 Unknown
DistanceDamage Array of values determining how much damage is dealt based on distance from the center of the explosion.
­Damage int Damage dealt at the specified distance.
­Distance float Distance in which the damage is dealt.
KnockBackParam spl__­Bullet­Knock­Back­Param Unknown
­Accel 200.0 Unknown
­Bias 0.5 Unknown
­Direction­Zero­Accel­Rate 0.0 Unknown
­Distance 2.0 Unknown
­Paint­Height 4.0 Unknown
­Paint­Offset­Y 0.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius 4.0 Unknown
­Paint­Texture 10 Unknown
­Plane­Damage array Unknown
­Reaction­Vel 100.0 Unknown
SplashAroundParam spl__­Bullet­Spawn­Splash­Around­Param Unknown
­Num 0 Unknown
­Offset­Y 0.5 Unknown
­Paint­Radius 1.0 Unknown
­Pitch­Max 30.0 Unknown
­Pitch­Min 5.0 Unknown
­Velocity­Max 0.54 Unknown
­Velocity­Min 0.48 Unknown
­Sub­Special­Spec­Up­List array Unknown
­Detonation­Frame 40 Unknown
­Is­Explosive­Bolt­Mid­Charge False Unknown
­Is­Explosive­Bolt­Min­Charge False Unknown
DrawParam spl__­Bullet­Stringer­Draw­Param Unknown
­Att­Interp­Rate 0.1 Unknown
­Capsule­Length 0.2 Unknown
­Capsule­Radius 0.1 Unknown
­Is­Draw­Capsule False Unknown
­Is­Draw­Collision False Unknown
Effect1stParam spl__­Bullet­Stringer­Effect1st­Param Unknown
­Delay­Frame 0 Unknown
­Max­Len 0.0 Unknown
Effect2ndParam spl__­Bullet­Stringer­Effect2nd­Param Unknown
­Land­Arrow­Min­Angle 45 Unknown
­Land­Arrow­Rise­Frame 1 Unknown
­Smoke­Interval 0.0 Unknown
­Smoke­Start­Len 0.0 Unknown
MoveParam spl__­Bullet­Stringer­Move­Paramspl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Controls parameters relating to shot movement. Shots have 3 movement stages: Straight, Brake, and Free.
­Brake­Air­Resist 0.36 Speed reduction per frame during brake state. Applies in all directions, applies before gravity.
­Brake­Gravity 0.07 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame. Applies after air resistance.
­Brake­To­Free­State­Frame 4 Unknown Appears to be unused. Implies that it forces shots to enter free state after a certain number of frames.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­X­Z 0.2355 Unknown Also appears unused. It is unclear whether intended behavior requires both XZ and Y velocity to be below a certain threshold, or if just one needs to be.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­Y -0.15 When a shot's Y velocity falls below this number, it enters free state. Some weapons set this value exceptionally high to effectively skip brake state.
­Free­Air­Resist 0.02 Speed reduction per frame during free state. Brake and Free state function identically but with different parameters.
­Free­Gravity 0.016 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame.
­Go­Straight­State­End­Max­Speed 10.0 After straight state ends, if the velocity is above this number, it is set equal to it. This change occurs before air resistance and gravity is applied.
­Go­Straight­To­Brake­State­Frame 10 Number of frames the shot flies in straight state, where it has no gravity or air resistance.
­Hit­Wall­Keep­Frame 4 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed 2.0 Initial velocity of the shot.
­Spawn­Speed­Max 2.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Mid 0.0 Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Min 1.0 Unknown
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Stringer­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max 2.4 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.4 Unknown
­Paint­Degree­Max 35.0 Unknown
­Paint­Degree­Min 10.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Max 3.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Mid 0.0 Unknown
­Width­Half­Min 1.8 Unknown
SplashPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Stringer­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth­Max­Drop­Height 3.0 Unknown
­Depth­Min­Drop­Height 10.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max 1.2 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half 1.28 Unknown
­Width­Half­Nearest 1.792 Unknown
SplashSpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Stringer­Spawn­Param Unknown
­Drop­Interval 9.2 Unknown
­Nearest­Len 1.25 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­X­Max 0.055 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Y­Max 0.015 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Max 0.02 Unknown
­Random­Spawn­Vel­Z­Min 0.01 Unknown
­Splash­Num­Max 3 Unknown
­Split­Num 6 Unknown
WallDropMoveParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Move­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Max 30 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Frame­Min 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Max 20 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Last­Frame­Min 15 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Frame 10 Unknown
­Fall­Period­Second­Target­Speed 0.06 Unknown
­Free­Gravity­Type 0 Unknown
WallDropPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Fall­Period­First­Second­Target­Alp 1.0 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Fall 0.65 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Ground 0.6 Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
spl__WeaponStringerParam spl__­Weapon­Stringer­Param Unknown
ChargeKeepParam spl__­Weapon­Keep­Charge­Param Unknown
­Enable­Keep­Charge­Anytime False Unknown
­Enable­Keep­Charge­Trans­Cancel False Unknown
­Keep­Charge­Full­Frame 180 Unknown
­Keep­Charge­Pre­Delay­Frame 19 Unknown
­Keep­Charge­Pre­Delay­Frame_­Pre 14 Unknown
MuzzleLocalPos Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
ChargeParam spl__­Weapon­Stringer­Charge­Param Unknown
­Air­Charge­Rate­By­Ink­Empty 1 Unknown
­Charge­Frame­Full­Charge 60 Unknown
­Charge­Frame­Mid­Charge 0 Unknown
­Charge­Frame­Min­Charge 8 Unknown
­Freeze­Frame­Full­Charge 10 Unknown
­Freeze­Frame­Mid­Charge 0 Unknown
­Freeze­Frame­Min­Charge 10 Unknown
­Ink­Consume­Full­Charge 0.2 Unknown
­Ink­Consume­Mid­Charge 0.0 Unknown
­Ink­Consume­Min­Charge 0.05 Unknown
­Ink­Empty­Charge­Times 3 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 20 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop­Charge­Keep 4 Unknown
­Jump­Height­Full­Charge 0.0 Unknown
­Move­Jump­Down­Bias 0.4 Unknown
­Move­Jump­Down­Start­Charge­Rate 0.2 Unknown
­Move­Speed­Full­Charge 0.2 Unknown
­Post­Delay­Frame 10 Unknown
­Is­Enable­Charge­Keep True Unknown
PlayerParam spl__­Weapon­Stringer­Player­Param Unknown
­Bow­Tilt­Deg­Rcv­Interp­Rate 0.8 Unknown
ShotGuideParam spl__­Weapon­Stringer­Shot­Guide­Param Unknown
­Delay­Frame­Show­Shot­Guide 6 Unknown
­Guide­Draw­Frame­Defilade 6 Unknown
­Guide­Draw­Frame­First 0 Unknown
­Guide­Draw­Frame­Second 0 Unknown
­Is­Draw­Trajectory True Unknown
­Main­Arrow­Guide­Draw­Frame 4 Unknown
­Sub­Arrow­Guide­Draw­Frame 4 Unknown
­Tilt­Guide­Enabled True Unknown
­Tilt­Guide­Length 1.0 Unknown
­Tilt­Guide­Width 1.0 Unknown
ShotParam spl__­Weapon­Stringer­Shot­Param Unknown
­Arrow­Angle­Max 25.0 Unknown
­Arrow­Angle­Mid 0 Unknown
­Arrow­Angle­Min 0.0 Unknown
­Arrow­Margin 0.3 Unknown
­Arrow­Num 3 Unknown
­Bear­Muzzle­Move­Dist­Array array Unknown
­Bear­Muzzle­Reset­Frame 0 Unknown
­Bow­Jump­Tilt­Speed­Forward 6.0 Unknown
­Bow­Jump­Tilt­Speed­Reverse -6.0 Unknown
­Bow­Tilt­Degree­Max 90.0 Unknown
­Bow­Tilt­Distance­Max 2.0 Unknown
­Bow­Tilt­Keep­Frame 15 Unknown
­Bow­Tilt­Reset­Speed 2 Unknown
­Bow­Tilt­Threshold 0.005 Unknown
­Defilade­Check­Angle 80.0 Unknown
­Defilade­Check­Dist 0.5 Unknown
­Defildaed­Bullet­Speed 0.1 Unknown
DiffusionArrowParamArray Unknown
­Shot­Add­Deg_­H float Unknown
­Shot­Add­Deg_­V float Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Max float Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Mid float Unknown
­Spawn­Speed­Min float Unknown
­Enable­Old­Tilt­Control False Unknown
­Is­Stringer­Bear False Unknown


Name Default value/type Description Notes
BulletSaberHorizontalParam spl__­Bullet­Saber­Param Unknown
BulletSaberSlashHorizontalParam spl__­Bullet­Saber­Slash­Param Unknown
BulletSaberSlashVerticalParam spl__­Bullet­Saber­Slash­Param Unknown
DamageParam spl__­Bullet­Saber­Slash­Damage­Param Unknown
­Accel­For­Castle 0.0 Unknown
­Damage­Value 0 Unknown
­Is­Penetrate False Unknown
MoveParam spl__­Bullet­Saber­Slash­Move­Param Controls parameters relating to shot movement. Shots have 3 movement stages: Straight, Brake, and Free.
­Alive­Frame 0 Unknown
ShapeParam spl__­Bullet­Saber­Slash­Shape­Param Unknown
BoxCenter Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
BoxHalfExtents Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
CylinderCenterA Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
CylinderCenterB Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
­Cylinder­Radius 1.4 Unknown
­Has­Cylinder­Shape False Unknown
BulletSaberVerticalParam spl__­Bullet­Saber­Param Unknown
BurstParam spl__­Bullet­Saber­Burst­Param Unknown
­Burst­Frame 0 Unknown
­Splash­Col­Radius 0.0 Unknown
­Splash­Draw­Radius 0.0 Unknown
­Splash­Paint­Radius 0.0 Unknown
CollisionParam spl__­Bullet­Saber­Collision­Param Unknown
­Core­Index 0 Unknown
OffsetArray Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
ParamArray Unknown
­Change­Frame­For­Field int Unknown
­Change­Frame­For­Player int Unknown
­End­Radius­For­Field float Unknown
­End­Radius­For­Player float Unknown
­Friend­Through­Frame­For­Player int Unknown
­Init­Radius­For­Field float Unknown
­Init­Radius­For­Player float Unknown
DamageParam spl__­Bullet­Saber­Damage­Param Unknown
­Has­Guard True Unknown
­Hit­Damage 0 Unknown
MoveParam spl__­Bullet­Simple­Move­Param Controls parameters relating to shot movement. Shots have 3 movement stages: Straight, Brake, and Free.
­Brake­Air­Resist 0.36 Speed reduction per frame during brake state. Applies in all directions, applies before gravity.
­Brake­Gravity 0.07 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame. Applies after air resistance.
­Brake­To­Free­State­Frame 4 Unknown Appears to be unused. Implies that it forces shots to enter free state after a certain number of frames.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­X­Z 0.2355 Unknown Also appears unused. It is unclear whether intended behavior requires both XZ and Y velocity to be below a certain threshold, or if just one needs to be.
­Brake­To­Free­Velocity­Y -0.15 When a shot's Y velocity falls below this number, it enters free state. Some weapons set this value exceptionally high to effectively skip brake state.
­Free­Air­Resist 0.02 Speed reduction per frame during free state. Brake and Free state function identically but with different parameters.
­Free­Gravity 0.016 Acceleration due to gravity during brake state, adds this value to downward velocity once per frame.
­Go­Straight­State­End­Max­Speed 10.0 After straight state ends, if the velocity is above this number, it is set equal to it. This change occurs before air resistance and gravity is applied.
­Go­Straight­To­Brake­State­Frame 10 Number of frames the shot flies in straight state, where it has no gravity or air resistance.
­Spawn­Speed 2.0 Initial velocity of the shot.
PaintParam spl__­Bullet­Saber­Paint­Param Unknown
­Width­Half 1.8 Unknown
SplashPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Saber­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max 1.2 Unknown
­Width­Half 1.28 Unknown
­Width­Half­Nearest 1.792 Unknown
SplashSpawnParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Saber­Spawn­Param Unknown
­Drop­Interval 9.2 Unknown
­Splash­Num­Max 3 Unknown
WallDropPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Wall­Drop­Collision­Paint­Param Unknown
­Paint­Radius­Shock 1.3 Unknown
MainEffectiveRangeUpParam spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Effective­Range­Up Unknown
MainWeaponSetting spl__­Player­Gear­Skill­Param_­Main­Weapon­Setting Controls parameters related to gear abilities which may have different effects depending on the weapon. Values set to -1 simply use the default rate for the ability.
­Weapon­Acc­Type 1 Determines the weapon's stealth acceleration. Set to "High" on sploosh, "Mid" on everything else.
­Weapon­Speed­Type 1 Determines the weight class of the weapon.
spl__WeaponSaberParam spl__­Weapon­Saber­Param Unknown
ChargeKeepParam spl__­Weapon­Keep­Charge­Param Unknown
­Keep­Charge­Pre­Delay­Frame 19 Unknown
ChargeParam spl__­Weapon­Saber­Charge­Param Unknown
­Air­Charge­Rate­By­Ink­Empty 1 Unknown
­Charge­Frame­Full­Charge 60 Unknown
­Charge­Frame­Min­Charge 8 Unknown
­Ink­Consume­Full­Charge 0.2 Unknown
­Ink­Consume­Min­Charge 0.05 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 20 Unknown
­Move­Speed­Full­Charge 0.2 Unknown
FootSplashPaintParam spl__­Bullet­Splash­Saber­Paint­Param Unknown
­Depth­Max­Drop­Height 3.0 Unknown
­Depth­Min­Drop­Height 10.0 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Max 1.2 Unknown
­Depth­Scale­Min 1.0 Unknown
­Width­Half 1.28 Unknown
­Width­Half­Nearest 1.792 Unknown
­Is­Enable­Charge­Keep False Unknown
ShotGuideParam spl__­Weapon­Saber­Shot­Guide­Param Unknown
­Horizontal­Sight­Frame 0 Unknown
­Horizontal­Sphere­Index 0 Unknown
­Vertical­Sight­Frame 0 Unknown
­Vertical­Sphere­Index 0 Unknown
SwingParam spl__­Weapon­Saber­Swing­Param Unknown
­Charge­Move­Vel­Limit 0.0 Unknown
­Charge­Swing­A­S­Frame 30 Unknown
­Charge­Swing­Frame 0 Unknown
­Charge­Swing­Post­Delay­Frame 20 Unknown
­Charge­Swing­Shot­Bullet­Frame 0 Unknown
­Charge­Swing­Shot­Slash­Frame 0 Unknown
­Charge­Swing­Step­Shot­Bullet­Frame 0 Unknown
­Charge­Swing­Step­Shot­Slash­Frame 0 Unknown
­Ink­Consume 0.0 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 0 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop_­Charge­Swing 0 Unknown
­Is­Enable­Step True Unknown
­Is­Shot­Enable True Unknown
­Reserve­Accept­Frame 0 Unknown
ShotBulletOffset_L Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
ShotBulletOffset_R Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
ShotBulletOffset_Vertical Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
ShotSlashOffset_L Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
ShotSlashOffset_R Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
ShotSlashOffset_Vertical Unknown
­X float Unknown
­Y float Unknown
­Z float Unknown
SideStepParam spl__­Player­Side­Step­Param Unknown
­Charge­Frame 4 Unknown
­Ink­Consume 0.09 Unknown
­Ink­Recover­Stop 70 Unknown
­Input­Req­Accept­Frame 10 Unknown
­Move­Dist 4.0 Unknown
­Move­Frame 16 Unknown
­Move­Step­Kd 0.95 Unknown
­Repeat­Cnt 2 Unknown
­Slip­Move­Dist­Air 1.0 Unknown
­Slip­Move­Dist­Gnd 1.0 Unknown
­Slip­Move­Frame 50 Unknown
­Time­Scale 3.0 Unknown
­Time­Scale­Frm 7 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­Move 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­Move_­Last 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­No­Side­Step 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­No­Side­Step_­Last 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­No­Squid 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­No­Squid_­Last 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­No­Weapon 4 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­No­Weapon_­Last 4 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­One­Muzzle 32 Unknown
­Unrelax­Frame­One­Muzzle_­Last 32 Unknown
­Step­Start­Stick­History­Frame 12 Unknown
­Step­Start­Stick­Threshold­Y 0.96 Unknown
­Weak­Swing­A­S­Frame 30 Unknown
­Weak­Swing­Frame 0 Unknown
­Weak­Swing­Move­Vel­Limit 0.0 Unknown
­Weak­Swing­Post­Delay­Frame 10 Unknown
­Weak­Swing­Shot­Bullet­Frame 0 Unknown
­Weak­Swing­Shot­Slash­Frame 0 Unknown