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ARMv8 is the machine architecture that the Nintendo Switch uses to process compiled code. It has a very large instruction set and register components.


The architecture includes a variety of registers.


The GPRs have two varieties, 64-bit GPRs and 32-bit GPRs.

Name Size Description
X0-X7 64-bit Used to pass parameters to a function and to return a result. Can be used as scratch.
X8 64-bit Indirect result register. Passes the address of an indirect result.
X9-X15 64-bit Caller-saved temporary registers.
X16 64-bit IP0 (Intra-Procedure Call) temporary register. Can be used for call veneers and as a caller-saved temporary register.
X17 64-bit IP1 (Intra-Procedure Call) temporary register. Can be used for call veneers and as a caller-saved temporary register.
X18 64-bit Platform register, reserved by the platform ABI. For platforms that do not utilize the register, it can be used as a temporary register.
X19-X29 64-bit Callee-saved temporary registers.
X30 64-bit Link register (LR).

The 32-bit registers use the exact same register types, where it starts with W rather than X.


The architecture has multiple types of registers for floating point.

Name Size Description
S0-S7 32-bit Used to pass parameters to a function and to return a result. Can be used as scratch.
S8-S15 32-bit Callee-preserved registers.
S16-S31 32-bit These registers do not need to be preserved by the caller, nor the callee.

The following types of floating point registers exist (only the prefixes):

Name Size
B 8-bit
H 16-bit
S 32-bit
D or V 64-bit
Q 128-bit

Special Registers

Name Size Description
WZR 32-bit Zero register. Always contains a 32-bit 0x0 value.
XZR 64-bit Zero register. Always contains a 64-bit 0x0 value.
WSP 32-bit Current stack pointer.
SP 64-bit Current stack pointer.
PC 64-bit Program counter.